Vaccines and Biologics Used in Switzerland

The products most commonly used in Switzerland are : 

Usually the letters ROR or MMR are mentioned on the vaccines.

For vaccination against measles only, the vaccines used are Attenuvax® or Moraten®. 

Vaccination in two doses is also recommended to all adults under 45 who have never developed the illness to ensure adequate lifelong protection.


Vaccines and Biologics Used in U.S. and Foreign Markets



Product or Trade Name

 Belgium  SmithKline/RIT  Rimevax
 Belgium  SmithKline/RIT  Rimparix
 Brazil    Vacina Triplice Viral
 Brazil    VTV (Vacina Triplice Viral)
 Croatia  Inst. Of  Immunology  Zamovax
 Croatia  Inst. Of  Immunology  Zamruvax
 Croatia  Inst. Of  Immunology  Zatrivax
 Czechoslovakia  Institute of Sera And vaccines  Mopavac Sevac
 Czechoslovakia    Movivac
 Czechoslovakia   Institute of Sera And vaccines  Trivivac Sevac
 France  PMC  Rouvax
 France  PMC  Rudi-Rouvax
 Germany    Masern-Impfstoff SSW
 Italy  SCL  Morbilvax
 Italy  SCL  Morubel
 Italy  SCL  Morupar
 Korea  Dong Shin Pharm  RIT - LM-2
 Korea  Dong Shin Pharm  RIT - LM-3
 Romania  Cantucuzino Institute  VVR
 Russia  Moscow Research Institute  Vaccinum Morbillorum Vivum
 Switzerland  BER  Moruman Berna
 US  MRK  Attenuvax
 US  MRK  Lyovac Attenuvax
 US  MRK  M-R Vax 2
 US  WLV  M-Vax
 US  Philips Roxane, Inc.  Measles Vaccine DK3
 US  Eli Lilly  Measles
   Glaxo Operations  Mevilin-L
 US  Dow Chemical  MMR (generic)
 US  MRK  M-M-R2
 US  MRK  Rubeovax


Attention :  This list is for information only.  If in doubt please check with the nurses at the vaccination site.