Investor training
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Early-stage investment training

A3 Angels is organising a training course on investment in early-stage technology start-ups (within IT, telecom, med-tech). It will be of interrest to alumni of EPFL or regional campus interrested in this activity. In 2010 we invested in two start-ups and reviewed 10 projects. Our club participants are aware that following the dot.com bubble and especially since the latest financial crisis, such investments require great care.  We try to respond to the financing gap in the seed stage, as venture capital firms had to give preference to later stage investments. This stage presents greater risks, balanced by more reasonable valuations. During our workshops, we will cover various aspects of the early-stage investment lifecycle.


Dates and program


  • December 8 2010: introduction to the startup and venture capital industry highlights the special conditions within Europe and Switzerland today
  • January 12 2011: Due diligence / introduction to the evaluation of early-stage businesses, Intellectual property (IP), deal structuring using legal term sheets.
        Lecturers : Balz Roth, Go Beyond et Bertrand Micheli , Micheli & Cie
  • February 9 2011: Conduct case studies on venture evaluation, deal structuring, legal term sheets.
       Lecturers : Colin Turner, representative from Thomson Reuters, Lawyer.
  • March 9 2011: Focus on post-investment stage, emphasizing the investor’s role to create added-value, monitoring, exiting practices.
       Lecturers : Cyril Demaria, Martin Velasco
  • April 20, 2011 (optional, allowing postponing of a session or additional session). 


  • The format should be lectures and discussions with practitioners, reading assignments and case studies among approx 12 participants.
  • Workshops will take plance in  Lausanne (location to be confirmed) 17h00 to 19h00
  • Lectures and discussions in english.
  • Group discussions and case studies.
  • Lecturers will be delivered by experienced practitionners from the industry, to be confirmed before the session.
  • Hands-outs and reading assignments will be given.


  • 250.-- per participant

Contact :

Melvin Haas, Doctoral Student
Chair of Entrepreneurship andTechnology Commercialization (ENTC)
College of Management of Technology
Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Odyssea 4 15, Station 5
CH-1015 Lausanne
+41 78 668 96 48
+41 21 693 01 03

