New Mapper User Guide

1. Available options for Mapping Command:

Options Descriptions
-M int Specify the Mapping Mode, 0 as AIC-only, 1 as LUT-only while 2 as Mixture ( default as AIC-only )
-K int Number of Inputs to an Look-up Table(Must be set in LUT-only and Mixture Mode )
-I int Number of Independent Inputs to an AIC
-L int Maximum Level of the AIC node
-O int Minimum output level of the AIC node( which is 2 in Hadi's mapper)
-X int Maximum Number of valid outputs of an AIC node( if not set, there is no constraints on outputs )
-C int specify how many cut candidates will be kept for each AIG-node( default as 8)
-F int specify how many iterations are used in Area-Recovery( if set as 0, means don't use Area-Recovery)
-w float specify the delta region of the non-critical-path which are not be optimized in AR, use percentage, for instance "-w 0.2";
-v use this to print out the critical-path and area information of the mapping results into a log file named "aicmap.log"
-t use this to disable the new feature of Cut-Generation in AIC mapping;


2. New Command "aic2aig" added

  • After mapping circuits into AICs by using command "if", a new command named "aic2aig" can be used to turn AIC-netlist back to an AIG-Netlist, which is useful for Equivalence check;
  • Since the "aic2aig" will change the netlist, therefore, AIC-netlist must be write out into blif before using this new command;
  • This command only use for AIC-only and Mix, not allowed after LUT-only;
  • Equivalence check command "cec" can be used after this command;
3. Command Flow Recommend
3.1 scleanup is used to remove redundant latches, which can fix the problem for tseng.blif that fail to pass the VPR;
3.2 strash is use to turn netlist from SOP to AIG, which is necessary before using command "if";
3.3 aic2aig is used to turn AIC back to AIGs;