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Meeting Notes 2015.03.03
Source: https://docs.google.com/document/d/16RxM0qe4ZBKsQCU74O-620jFjFq-ky246xRQPdvEVy4/edit?usp=sharing
Progress done this week:
Setup collaborations (codebase, …)
Understand the differences between pipeline of 2-way joins vs. n-way joins
Understand the 1-bucket 2-way partitioning:
division equation: |R| x n = |S| x m and n x m = #number of machines
computation cost: area = a x b
communication cost: a + b
Expected progress next week:
Install, run, and test Squall in local mode
Understand existing libraries in Squall: join, partition, query plan
Understand the hybercube partitioning in Section 5.1 of the paper X. Zhang, L. Chen, and M. Wang, “Efficient multi-way theta-join processing using mapreduce,” in VLDB, 2012.
Plan how to implement brute force partitioning for hybercube.