Compiling CHDK on Ubuntu 13.04

Successfully built firmware image for A530 (100a) using instructions from [here] and [here]. The firmware version is 1.3.0 from October 11th 2013.

Getting the source

Download CHDK source from BioDesign github.

$ mkdir ~/BioDesign
$ cd ~/BioDesign
$ git clone

Install the cross-compiler

Use the script included with BioDesign CHDK distribution.

$ cd ~/BioDesign/CHDK/BioDesignExtra
$ ./

This should have installed the arm-elf-gcc cross-compiler in ~/arm-elf. Add this directory to your path.

$ echo 'export PATH="$HOME/arm-elf/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.profile
$ source ~/.profile

That's it for the installation of the cross-compiler.

Compile the firmware

Move back to CHDK directory.

$ cd ~/BioDesign/CHDK

In this directory, add a new file named that specifies your camera (a530) and its firmware level (100a).  The file should look something like this:

# local configuration

Compile the CHDK firmware.

make fir

The files DISKBOOT.BIN and PS.FIR are located in ./bin. Copy these files to the SD card to use the newly compiled firmware in your camera.