Project timeline

  Sentiment Analysis team Time series team
  Ilia - Jonathan - Igor William - Fabien - Marzell
10.03 - 16.03 Work load separation, project proposal finalization, milestones planning
17.03 - 23.03 Data crawling (News aggregator) Search for API to crawl Bitcoin transaction data (e.g. and how to use them
  Sentiment analysis (research of an already existing open source platform) Start crawler of Bitcoin transaction data (it could be interesting to have a server access to crawl data continuously)
24.03 - 30.03 Data crawling (News aggregator) Choose interesting prediction models (e.g. single/double MA, ARMA models, RSI, ...)
  Sentiment analysis (research of an already existing open source platform)  
  Delivrable I : data crawling scripts (Bitcoin data and Google news results)
31.03 - 06.04 Link between data sources and sentiment analysis software Implementation of the different prediction models
07.04 - 13.04 Link between data sources and sentiment analysis software Implementation of the different prediction models
  Delivrable II : script analyzing sentiments of relevant news Delivrable II : prediction models qualitative analysis
14.04 - 20.04 Test relevance of sentiment analysis on the market mood. Model optimizations Implementation of the different prediction models + comparison of these models



Link the two tasks (sentiment analysis + time series) in one software
  Start development of web front-end (graphs, logs, trading transactions, etc...)
  Delivrable III : framework demonstration (trading simulation using time series and sentiment analysis)
28.04 - 04.05 Link the two tasks (sentiment analysis + time series) in one software
  Continue development of web front-end (graphs, logs, trading transactions, etc...)
05.05 - 11.05 Testing, report writing, results analysis, presentation preparation
12.05 - 18.05 Presentations

19.05 -

