61 - Médecine

Conventions CDU en médecine


612 Physiology. Human and comparative physiology  
612.08 Physiological techniques, experiments and observations  
612.087.1   mathematical modelling in physiology
612.8 Nervous system. Sensory organs neuroengineering, neural engineering (interventions techniques au niveau neural -
intelligence artificielle en 004 ...)
612.821 Physiological psychology biological aspect of psychology, neuroeconomic
612.822 Neurons (nerve cells) in general. Nerve centres synapse, myelin sheath, glial_cell, energetic metabolism of neuron
613.6 Santé du travail. Occupational health  
615 Pharmacology. Therapeutics. Toxicology  
615.36 Therapy by means of body substances (except hormones) gene therapy, cell therapy
615.46 Medical materials. Surgical dressings biomatériaux
615.47 Instruments. Apparatus. Equipment and furnishing génie médical
615.831 Phototherapy photodynamic