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To change the default font of GTK application (such as Firefox). Create/Edit the file .gtkrc-2.0 in your home directory and insert the following line:

gtk-font-name="sans-serif 16"

When trying to use Xilinx CLKDLL, I had trouble using the DLLIOB to connect to the CLKFB input of the CLKDLL. I had this error when mapping was reached:

	ERROR:LIT:54 - IPAD symbol "CLKFB" driving IBUFG->CLKDLL is LOCed to a generic
	IOB site. It must be LOCed to a GCLKIOB site.

The problem came from the synthesis tool (XST) which automatically instanciated a IBUFG from IOB to the CLKFB pin of the CLKDLL. This is controlled by the "Add I/O Buffers" of "Xilinx Specific option" of XST in ISE. To prevent this but still allowing XST to add I/O buffers where needed,  i just added in my VHDL:

	ATTRIBUTE clock_buffer: string;
	ATTRIBUTE clock_buffer OF CLKFB: SIGNAL IS "none";

When using Xilinx Platform Studio (XPS) of the Embedded Development Kit (EDK), I create a custom component that instanciates a CLKDLL. When using it on the top level I had to tweak the synthesis script and added the a constraint file. In synthesis/<toplevel>_xst.scr file I add a line:

	-uc <toplevel>.xcf

and created the file <toplevel>.xcf with this content:

	BEGIN MODEL "system"
    NET "sdram_clk_fb_pin" clock_buffer=ibuf;

This way XST puts an IBUF instead of an IBUFG.

Displaying  X applications when using sudo or su :

The problem: X security prevents another user from connecting to your X display. When you use sudo (or su) you effectively change your UID. A simple bypass would be to use "xhost +" to disable access control, but if you using a ssh tunneled session it doesn't work (don't ask me why). Instead you can fix the sudo config file to point XAUTHORITY variable to your user's ~/.Xauthority file. If like me your homes are NFS mounted, you might not have access to the users ~/.Xauthority file. So the solution is to do the following:
1. Find the magic cookie:

xauth list

and find the line that corresponds to your current display (echo $DISPLAY) eg:  MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1  24eadb1f0dfb9f48dfadb43a1541bd66

2. become the intended user:

sudo -s -u user

3. add magic cookie

xauth add displayname protocolname hexkey

In our case:

xauth add MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1  24eadb1f0dfb9f48dfadb43a1541bd66

Had some trouble launching Synplify Pro under linux with an error like:

symbol __pthread_atfork, version
GLIBC_2.0 not defined in file with link time reference

I found someone had the same problem with another app. The trick here is to create a bogus library that provides __pthread_atfork function. I put a copy of the source locally.

Xilinx Impact uses Jungo drivers for USB and parallel port access. I had troubles with these drivers on my parallel ports as sometimes they just don't work. Michael Gernoth wrote a replacement library which works beautifully for the parallel port. You can get the source here (tarball).

Multimedia keys are a pain with linux and KDE. I have a Logitech keyboard with a few multimedia keys. I was interested to use the vol up/down/mute keys. In the KDE control center -> Regional & Accessibility -> Keyboard Layout  I set keyboard model to Logitech Access, but funny enough Mute and VolDown work but not VolUp. The problem lies in the setxkbmap files (in /usr/share/X11/xkb under FC7). In the file /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/inet

xkb_symbols "logitech_base" {
key <I2F> { [ XF86AudioRaiseVolume ] };
key <I30> { [ XF86AudioRaiseVolume ] };

The first of the two XF86AudioRaiseVolume lines is incriminated in my case. I just commented it out. And my VolUp key works.

If your not using a fancy window manager like KDE and still want to switch keyboard layout you can use the following script:

LAYOUT1="setxkbmap -model logiik -layout us -variant intl"
LAYOUT2="setxkbmap -model logiik -layout fr_CH -variant basic"

if [ -f $TMPFILE ]
    rm $TMPFILE
    touch $TMPFILE

I put in ~/bin/togglexkbmap. You can then configure your wm to call this script on some key shortcut (Ctrl-Alt-K for eg).

Xilinx chipscope 9.1i install has problems connecting to the cable? You might not have TCL installed first and then when you try running it replies with problems related to the init.tcl file not found. This file is found in $CHIPSCOPE/xilinx/bin/lib/tcl8.4/

What you have to do is to make a symbolic link in this way:
cd $CHIPSCOPE/bin ln -s ../xilinx/bin/lib .