Climate suitability for light outdoor activities


  • Indicator
[average pondered Tourism Climate Index score for spring, summer and fall]
  • Range
  • Control for
DEMAND: Changes in tourists flow (+)
  • Influence on vulnerability
The higher the score, the higher the future climate suitability, the higher the attractiveness for light outdoor activity, and therefore the lower the exposure
  • Trend
Linear ↓
  • Data source
PESETA Project (Amelung and Moreno 2009). Data kindly provided by Amelung (personal communication)
  • Remarks

PESETA: PRUDENCE data: A2 and B2 IPCC SRES scenario storyline (IPCC 2007): HIRHAM model, driven by the HadAM3 GCM, and the RCA model, driven by the ECHAM4 GCM. 50 km resolution. Calculations are still approximate here. In a second step, if time is available, better calculations (using the ENSEMBLES data) will be carried out. Then, the average future number of months per year with very good conditions or better (TCI > 70) for light outdoor activities in 2050 will be calculated instead.

Personal calculation: ENSEMBLES data: A1B IPCC SRES5 scenario storyline (IPCC 2007) and four Regional and General Climate Models couplings 25 km resolution

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