Land use protection


  • Indicator

[hectares of protected land/hectares tourism region]

  • Range
[- %]
  • Influence on vulnerability
The more the land is protected, the more (it is supposed) its scenic beauty is high. Moreover, the more the land is under protection, the more its ecosystem is resistant and less sensitive to natural hazards.
  • Trend
Linear ↓
  • Data source

BFS (2010), GEOSTAT data using a DHM25.

  • Remarks

Considered protected land are: alluvial sites at the 2007 state; Federal Inventories (BLN) at the 2001 state; swamps (‘bas-marais/flachmoore’ and ‘haut-marais/Hochmoore’) at respectively the 2007 and the 2008 state, federal hunting reserves at the 2005 state, mire landscapes at the 2007 state; reserves for waterbirds and migratory birds at the 2009 state; prairies and meadows at the 2010 state; sites of amphibians reproduction at the 2007 state; the Swiss National Park at the 2001 state; RAMSAR sites at the 2007 state; biogenetic reserves at the 2008 state; OCFH areas at the 2007 state; UNESCO sites at the 2008 state; Emerald Network sites at the 2010 state ; biosphere reserves at the 2007 state ; and parks of national importance at the 2010 state.

  • Image


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