Number of past natural hazards events (1972-2007)


  • Indicator

[number of past natural hazard events (1972-2007)/ hectares tourims region]

  • Range
  • Control for

DEMAND: Changes in tourists flow (-)

SUPPLY: Changes in monetary and employment flows (-)

  • Influence on vulnerability
The higher the risks of natural hazards, the lower the number of tourists visiting the region, and the higher the costs on infrastructure and buildings. 
  • Trend
Linear ↑
  • Data source
Calculated from data delivered by Hilker (Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL - personal communication) 
  • Remarks

Natural hazards considered are: naturally triggered flood, debris flow, landslide (since 1972) and rockfall (since 2002) events. These will very probably a change in frequency, intensity, and distribution in the future due to climate change (Bader, Kunz et al (2000); Hilker, Badoux et al.(2009)). However, as stated in Hilker, Badoux et al.(2009), no statistically significant trend has been found until now for the Swiss Alps. The CLISP project is looking at the question.

  • Image


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