Current water availability


  • Indicator
Not available at the moment
  • Range
Not available at the moment
  • Influence on vulnerability
This higher the water availability, the less the region is sensitive, because having access to enough water for its activity.
  • Trend
Logarithmic ↓
  • Data source
Data available, but not exhaustive (after discussion with experts).
  • Remarks

Data are presented in Freiburghaus (2009) and in the Swiss Hydrological Atlas (Spreafico and Schweiz 1992). Results in water availability presented in the Atlas are not plausible for many water basins. It has been therefore chosen not to consider them.

Water availability is already a problem in many ski resorts in Switzerland (Reynard 2000). For example, water is a limiting factor for snow making. in a rather dry places as St Moritz or the Dolomites in Italy (Luthe 2009). This is particularly true at the end of the winter season, when water availability is already low (EEA 2009). Almost all areas interviewed in Luthe (2009) are planning to build new and more water reservoirs, being water shortage the limiting factor of snow making .Low water availability also affects other touristic sectors and other periods of the year.

It depicts the sensitivity of the region towards water scarcity and drought and towards snowpack reduction.

  • Image


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