Stefan Muller' talk on DB Seminar

Title: Euclid - A scientific data processing use-case
Euclid is a satellite mission of ESA, launching in 2019, which sets out to find the missing 96% of the universe. In the talk I'll try to give a brief overview of Euclid from the view-point of a computer scientists. In the ground segment we are currently defining the system to process and manage the peta-bytes of data produced by this mission. The talk will cover our current state in this process and the challenges we are currently facing. In the second part I'll talk about my ideas and plans for my ongoing computer science PhD in the area of scientific data processing. Since the amount of data grows, many physicists today are forced to deal with complex computer systems for their daily work. I'm searching for ways to give the domain scientists the performance of state-of-the-art computer systems without forcing them to become computer experts themselves.
Stefan has studied computer science at the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW). Where he also got employed afterwards at André Chillaghy's Institute of 4D-Technologies (I4DS). He worked there on evolutionary optimization methods for projects with industry partners. He continued to work there while doing his masters at ETHZ. After his master thesis in machine learning, he started his PhD in Gustavo Alonso's Systems Group (he is in his second year). He is still employed in the I4DS, through which he got his hands on Euclid.