Guided tour of the Library
a) Anne's presentationof the Central Library or main Library
1. Open access stacks (= libre accès ou LACC)
- 140 Topics/Subjects, home-made classification
- Home-made classification system for book location
The books located in LIBRE-ACCES (LACC) are shelved on the first floor on both sides of the staircase.
On the contrary, the books located in COLLECTION D'ENSEIGNEMENT (COEN) are shelved in front of the staircase.
2. Multilingual dictionaries (= dictionnaires multilingues ou SLDI)
- Translations, general scientific and technical dictionaries
- Definition dictionaries on the 2nd floor
Reading room, workroom, work area, silent area
3. Teaching collection (= collection d'enseignement ou COEN)
- Textbooks, course books used, recommended or even written by your teachers
- Same home-made classification as LACC
- Access from the Nebis catalog, or from the courses web pages (IS-Academia) : follow the bibliography link from the Nebis catalog.
- Several copies of each book, copy one is reference only (= excluded from the loan - exclu du prêt)
Yellow stickers
4. Lecture notes (= polycopiés de cours)
- Access from the Nebis catalog
- Classified by department or section
! not ordered , qui veut dire commandé et pas ordonné, rangé, classé
5. Internet and newspapers area (= coin presse)
! corner est un faux amis, il désigne seulement un coin ou angle physique
- Mostly Swiss newspapers
- No printer
6. Selfcheck (= machine automatique de prêt)
To check out a book yourself, you have to register for NEBIS network first by visiting the information helpdesk with your CAMIPRO card
7. Information and help desk (= accueil information)
- For any kind of help!
- For NEBIS registration
- For any problems with your user account
- For book extension = prolongation d'un livre
! renewal = renouvellement d'un visa, d'un passeport, d'une licence et pas d'un livre
- For basic or specialized information retrieval
- To retrieve books from NEBIS on-line orders and interliberary loan services
- To access books from the closed stacks (=magasin fermé ou MFER), archive part of the library: fill in the little yellow form including the document code number from the periodicals catalog or from Nebis catalog.
- Info.bc: advice and help for information retrieval, access to catalogs and databases, and preparation of your personal computer including VPN and reference management sofware (Endnote, BibTEC) with your personal computer
8. General scientific papers area and waiting room (= journaux scientifiques et salle d'attente)
6000 online journals, 150 scientific journals, mostly in the closed stacks... this is why you see so few scientific periodicals in the waiting room!
9. Show case of ancient and rare books
Collection of 900 ancient rare books on history, technology, and philosophy of sciences
10. Reference books (=ouvrages de références ou PRIN)
- Encyclopedias: are no longer up-dated; more and more electronic access. See the electronic link "Encyclopédies et dictionnaires" online
Search: index browse
Classification: topics
- Directories (=répertoires)
- Standards (=normes)
- Handbooks, data tables, source books, reference manuals
Old card catalogue
11. Student PC room (= salle des étudiants)
- PC login and username Gaspar, domain: “students”
- Microsoft office software, internet, information retrieval
- Yellow plugs for personal laptops
- Printer for student files, quota = 500 pages
12. Science fiction books and DVD’s (= collection SF)
- Loan possible for 3 days at home, or view them directly in the Library.
b) Chimène's guided tour or the Library in the RLC