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2018 Publications
- M. Schenk, X. Buffat, K. Li, and A. Maillard, "Vlasov description of the effects of nonlinear chromaticity on transverse coherent beam instabilities", Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams 21, 084402, Aug. 2018.
- M. Schenk, X. Buffat, L. R. Carver, R. De Maria, K. Li, and E. Métral, "Experimental stabilization of transverse collective instabilities in the LHC with second order chromaticity", Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams 21, 084401, Aug. 2018.
- L. R. Carver, X. Buffat, K. Li, E. Métral, and M. Schenk, "Transverse beam instabilities in the presence of linear coupling in the Large Hadron Collider", Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams 21, 044401, April 2018.
- M. Schenk, X. Buffat, L. R. Carver, K. Li, E. Métral, and A. Maillard, "Experiments and Theory on Beam Stabilization with Second-Order Chromaticity", Proceedings of the 61st ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on High-Intensity and High- Brightness Hadron Beams, Daejeon, Korea, June 2018, MOP2WA03.
- K. Li, H. Bartosik, M. Beck, E. R. Bjørsvik, W. Höfle, G. Kotzian, T. Levens, M. Schenk, J. E. Dusatko, J. Fox, C. Rivetta, and O. Turgut, "Recent Results from the Wideband Feedback System Tests at the SPS and Future Plans", Proceedings of the 61st ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on High-Intensity and High- Brightness Hadron Beams, Daejeon, Korea, June 2018, MOP2WA04.
- M. Carlà, H. Bartosik, M. Beck, K. Li, and M. Schenk, "Studies of a new optics with intermediate transition energy as alternative for high intensity LHC beams in the CERN SPS", International Particle Accelerator Conference 2018, Vancouver, Canada, April 2018.
- M. Schenk. S. Fartoukh, K. Li, L. Malina, E. Métral, and R. Tomàs, "MD2190: Q'' stabilization during injection", CERN-ACC-NOTE-2018-0003, Jan. 2018.
2017 Publications
- R. Tomas, X. Buffat, S. White, J. Barranco and T. Pieloni, “Beam-Beam Amplitude Detuning with Forced Oscillations”, Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams 20, 101002, Oct. 2017.
- M. Schenk, A. Grudiev, K. Li, and K. Papke, "Analysis of transverse beam stabilization with radio frequency quadrupoles", Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams 20, 104402, Oct. 2017.
- I. Zacharov, M. Giovannozzi, N. Hoimyr, J. Barranco Garcia, Y. Cai, D. Cameron, M. Crouch, R. De Maria, L. Field, P. Hermes, D. Kaltchev, N. Karastathis, C. Luzzi, E. Maclean, E. McIntosh, A. Mereghetti, J. Melson, Y. Nosochkov, T. Pieloni, I. D. Reid, L. Rivkin, B. Segal, K. Sjobak, P. Skands, C. Tambasco and F. Van der Veken, “LHC@Home: a BOINC-based volunteer computing infrastructure for physics studies at CERN”, Proceedings of the BOINC: Fundamental and Applied Science and Technology 2017, Petrozavodsk, Russia, 2017.
- B. Salvachua, X. Buffat, S. Redaelli, C. Tambasco, J. Wenninger, T. Pieloni, J. Barranco, M. Crouch and A. Gorzawski, “Observations of Beam Losses at the LHC during Reduction of Crossing Angle”, Proceedings of the 8th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2017, TUPVA0.
- C. Tambasco, X. Buffat, J. Barranco and T. Pieloni, “Impact of Incoherent Effects on the Landau Stability Diagram at the LHC”, Proceedings of the 8th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2017, TUPVA031.
- L. Medina, R. Tomas, X. Buffat, Y. Papaphilippou, J. Barranco and T. Pieloni, “Correction of Beta-Beating due to Beam-Beam for the LHC and its Impact on the Dynamic Aperture”, Proceedings of the 8th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2017, WEOAB2.
- A. A. Gorzawski, T. Pieloni, K. Fuchsberger, M. Hostettler and J. Wenninger, “Long-Range Beam-Beam Orbit Effects in the LHC, Simulations and Observations from Machine Operation in 2016”, Proceedings of the 8th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2017, THPAB042
- J. Barranco Garcia, T. Pieloni, X. Buffat and S. V. Furuseth, “Beam-Beam Studies for the FCC-hh”, Proceedings of the 8th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2017, TUPVA026.
- J. Barranco, T. Pieloni, X. Buffat and C. Tambasco, “Study of Beam-Beam Long-Range Compensation with Octupoles”, Proceedings of the 8th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2017, TUPVA027.
- X. Buffat, D. Valuch, J. Barranco, T. Pieloni and C. Tambasco, “Observations of Emittance Growth in the Presence of External Noise in the LHC”, Proceedings of the 8th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2017, TUPVA029.
- P. Goncalves Jorge, J. Barranco, T. Pieloni, X. Buffat, F. S. Carlier, J. Coello de Portugal, E. Fol, L. Medina, R. Tomas and A. Wegscheider, “Measurements of Beta-Beating due to Strong Head-on Beam-Beam Interactions in the LHC”, Proceedings of the 8th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2017, TUPVA030.
- A. Seryi, J. L. Abelleira, E. Cruz-Alaniz, L. van Riesen-Haupt, M. Benedikt, I. Besana, X. Buffat, H. Burkhardt, F. Cerutti, A. Langher, R. Martin, W. Riegler, R. A. Appleby, H. Rafique, J. Barranco, T. Pieloni, M. Boscolo, F. Collamati, L. Nevay, M. Hofer, “Overview of the Design Development of the FCC-hh Experimental Interaction Regions”, Proceedings of the 8th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2017, TUPVA040.
- M. Crouch, T. Pieloni, R. B. Appleby, J. Barranco Garcia, X. Buffat, M. Giovannozzi, E. H. Maclean, B. D. Muratori, C. Tambasco, “Dynamic Aperture Studies of the Long-Range Beam-Beam Interactions at the LHC”, Proceedings of the 8th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2017, THPAB056.
- M. Schenk, X. Buffat, L. R. Carver, A. Grudiev, K. Li, E. Métral, K. Papke, and A. Maillard, "RF Quadrupole Structures for Transverse Landau Damping in Circular Accelerators", Proceedings of the 8th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2017, WEOAB3.
- M. Schenk, D. Amorim, N. Biancacci, X. Buffat, L. R. Carver, R. De Maria, K. Li, E. Métral, and B. Salvant, "Practical Stabilisation of Transverse Collective Instabilities with Second Order Chromaticity in the LHC", Proceedings of the 8th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2017, THPVA026.
- J. Barranco Garcia and T. Pieloni, “Global compensation of Long-Range Beam-Beam Effects with Octupole Magnets: dynamic aperture simulations for the HL-LHC case and possible usage in the LHC and FCC”, CERN-ACC-NOTE-2017-0036, CERN, 2017.
- D. Banfi, J. Barranco Garcia and T. Pieloni “Dynamic Aperture Studies for the HL-LHC with Beam-Beam effects”, CERN-ACC-NOTE-2017-0035, CERN, 2017.
- L. R. Carver, M. Schenk, R. De Maria, K. Li, D. Amorim, N. Biancacci, X. Buffat, E. H. Maclean, E. Métral, K. Lasocha, T. Lefevre, T. Levens, and B. Salvant, "MD1831: Single Bunch Instabilities with Q'' and Non-Linear Corrections", CERN-ACC-NOTE-2017-0012, CERN, 2017.
- E. Métral, G. Arduini, N. Biancacci, X. Buffat, L. R. Carver, G. Iadarola, K. Li, T. Persson, A. Romano. M. Schenk, C. Tambasco, "Summary of the half-day internal review of LHC performance limitations (linked to transverse collective effects) during run II", CERN-ACC-NOTE-2017-0005, CERN, 2017.
2016 Publications
- G. Arduini, J. Barranco, A. Bertarelli, N. Biancacci, R. Bruce, O. Bruning, X. Buffat, Y. Cai, L. R. Carver, S. Fartoukh, M. Giovannozzi, G. Iadarola, K. Li, A. Lechner, L. Medina Medrano, E. Métral, Y. Nosochkov, Y. Papaphilippou, D. Pellegrini, T. Pieloni, J. Qiang, S. Redaelli, A. Romano, L. Rossi, G. Rumolo, B. Salvant, M. Schenk, C. Tambasco, R. Tomas, S. Valishev and F. F. Van der Veken. “High Luminosity LHC: challenges and plans”, Proceedings of 14th Topical Seminar on Innovative Particle and Radiation Detectors, Siena, Italy, 2016 and FERMILAB-CONF-16-621-AD-APC.
- E. Métral, T. Argyropoulos, H. Bartosik, N. Biancacci, X. Buffat, J. F. Esteban Muller, W. Herr, G. Iadarola, A. Lasheen, K. Li, A. Oeftiger, T. Pieloni, D. Quartullo, G. Rumolo, B. Salvant, M. Schenk, E. Shaposhnikova, C. Tambasco, H. Timko, C. Zannini, A. Burov, D. Banfi, J. Barranco, N. Mounet, O. Boine-Frankenheim, U. Niedermayer, V. Kornilov, and S. White, “Beam Instabilities in Hadron Synchrotrons”, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 63, Issue 2, April 2016.
- T. Pieloni et al., “Beam-Beam Effects in the LHC”, Proceedings of the 57th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on High-Intensity and High- Brightness Hadron Beams, Malmö, July 2016.
- T. Pieloni et al., “Dynamic Beta and Beta-Beating Effects in the Presence of the Beam-Beam Interactions”, Proceedings of the 57th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on High-Intensity and High- Brightness Hadron Beams, Malmö, July 2016.
- M. Schenk, A. Grudiev, K. Li, and K. Papke, "Use of RF Quadrupole Structures to Enhance Stability in Accelerator Rings", Proceedings of the 57th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on High-Intensity and High- Brightness Hadron Beams, Malmö, July 2016.
- M. Crouch, T. Pieloni, R. Appleby, J. Barranco, R. Bruce, X. Buffat, T. Pieloni, M. Pojer, B. Salvachua, G. Trad, D. Banfi, C. Tambasco and B. Muratori, “Impact of Long Range Beam-Beam Effects on Intensity and Luminosity Lifetimes from the 2015 LHC Run”, Proceedings of the 7th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Busan, Korea, 2016.
- X. Buffat, T. Pieloni, C. Tambasco, J. Barranco and A. Florio, “Simulation of Head-on Beam-Beam Limitations in Future High Energy Colliders”, Proceedings of the 7th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Busan, Korea, 2016.
- L. R. Carver, J. Barranco, N. Biancacci, X. Buffat, W. Hofle, G. Kotzian, T. Lefevre, T. E. Levens, E. Métral, T. Pieloni, B. Salvant, C. Tambasco, N. Wang, and M. Zobov,”Current Status of Instability Threshold Measurements in the LHC at 6.5 TeV”, Proceedings of the 7th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Busan, Korea, 2016.
- J. Qiang, G. Arduini, P. Baudrenghien, Y. Papaphilippou, T. Pieloni, T. Mastoridis and J. Barranco, “Beam-Beam Simulations of Crab Cavity with Frequency Dependent Noise for the LHC Upgrade”, Proceedings of the 7th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Busan, Korea, 2016.
- C. Tambasco, A. Boccardi, X. Buffat, K. Fuchsberger, M. Gasior, R. Gioachino, T. Lefevre, T. E. Levens, T. Pieloni, M. Pojer, B. Salvachua, M. Solfaroli and J. Barranco, “First BTF Measurement at the Large Hadron Collider”, Proceedings of the 7th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Busan, Korea, 2016.
- H. Bartosik, A. Oeftiger, M. Schenk, F. Schmidt, M. Titze, "Improved Method for the Measurement and Simulation of the CERN SPS Non-linear Optics", Proceedings of the 7th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Busan, Korea, 2016.
- J. Barranco, X. Buffat, T. Pieloni, C. Tambasco, G. Trad, D. Valuch, M. Betz, M. Wendt, M. Pojer and M. Solfaroli Camilocci, “MD 400: LHC emittance growth in presence of an external source of noise during collision”, CERN-ACC-NOTE-2016-0020, Geneva, 2016.
- M. Crounch, T. Pieloni, J. Barranco, D. Banfi, X. Buffat, C. Tambasco, A. Yuri, R. Bruce, R. Giachino, M. Pojer, B. Salvachua, M. Solfaroli, G. Trad, “Long range beam-beam interaction and the effect on the beam and luminosity lifetimes”, CERN-ACC-NOTE-2016-0019, Geneva 2016.
- C. Tambasco, J. Barranco, X. Buffat, M. Crouch, T. Pieloni, A. Boccardi, K. Fuchsberger, M. Gasior, G. Kotzian and T. Lefevre, “MD 382: Beam Transfer Function and diffusion mechanisms”, CERN-ACC-NOTE-2016-0016, Geneva, 2016.
- J. Barranco et al., “MD 402: Head-on limits. Separation leveling”, CERN-ACC-NOTE-2016-0023, Geneva 2016.