Postdoc 2016

Post-doctoral position in Mathematics

The MATHGEOM  Institute of the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) invites applications for a one-year full-time postdoctoral position, with a negotiable starting date of May 1, 2016.

In addition to research, duties include teaching within the framework of the Mathematics Section of EPFL.

Candidates must have completed their PhD within the last four years and have shown promise of excellence in research. 

Preference will be given to candidates working in either algebra (group theory or representation theory), geometry (geometric analysis;  differential or metric geometry), or analysis (partial differential equations and spectral theory).

Applications, including curriculum vitae, a publication list, research plan, statement of teaching experience, and three references, must be submitted electronically by April 4,  2016, to Pierrette Paulou-Vaucher (

Applications may be submitted in French or English. Further information about the institute can be found at