Master courses and credits

Official studyplans are available over at, they are updated each year during August.

Basic rules regarding your studies in IC at EPFL (i.e number of credits are accessible over at

Day 1 presentation of the IC masters in 2022: link to slides.

Minors: link to page.

Courses out of studyplan: link to page.


During your master in IC, you have to take (sources: all links above):

  1. at least 72 credits of technical courses, among which
    • at least 32 credits of "Group 1" a.k.a "core" courses,
    • then the remaining 40 credits is either comprised of "Group 1" and "Group 2" courses, or (in Computer Science, Communication Systems and Data Science) a minor that contains at least 30 credits and at least 10 credits "Group 1" and "Group 2" courses. This minor is cited in your diploma supplement.
    • If you are not taking a minor, you can take up to 15 credits from courses out of your study plan that count as "Group 2" courses. If these courses are EPFL courses, they must be taught either for a master cycle, or for a doctoral program. You can even take ETHZ courses, details on the out of studyplan courses' page. Up to 12 credits can be taken in MTE or UNIL-HEC. You can even Before taking an out of studyplan course, you must validate the course selection with the faculty's administration, unless it is listed on the out of studyplan courses' page.
    • In Computer Science and Communication Systems you have the option to take a 30 credit specialization comprised of mostly "Group 1" and "Group 2" along with, sometimes, out of study plan courses. This specialization is cited in your diploma supplement.
    • In Cybersecurity you must take at least 30 credits of "depth" courses which are meant to be specific to cybersecurity.
  2. a semester project weighing 12 credits,
  3. an HSS course during the Fall along with its project during the Spring for 3x2 = 6 credits total,
  4. an internship in industry,
  5. a 30 credit master's project. If done in industry, it removes the obligation to make a separate internship in industry.

Note about out of studyplan courses: master courses that have a code starting with CS or COM that are given in one of the 4 IC masters do not count as out of studyplan courses and you can always take them equivalently to any "Group 2" option.