
General Information

Some tips with android and linux with the EPFL softphone.

Please note that official information stand on the official UC page:

Linux with Jitsi:

The way to get phone calls on Linux is to use Jitsi.

  1. First of all you have to ask for a SIP account through the 1234.
  2. They will send you a PDF document on how to configure you client.

Linux with pidgin:

That allow to have the "chat" part of cisco jabber.

Add a new account with the following params

Pidgin UC EPFL

DEPRECATED - Android with Cisco Jabber

Download and install

  1. Choose manual config and then "MI et Presence de CUCM"
    Cisco Jabber Configuration Manuelle
  2. The add the params
    Cisco Jabber UC EPFL configuration

Android with Xabber

Download and install