Monday, 12 October


09 :00 – 09.15

Welcome Speech

Infectious diseases : The reality

09 :15 – 09 :35

Ramesh S. Paranjape
HIV Scenario in India: Challenges and Opportunities for prevention

09 :45 – 10 :05

V. Kumaraswami
Mycobacterial and Helminth Co-infections

10 :15 – 10 :30

Coffee break

10 :30 – 10 :50

Rupak Singla
Programmatic Management of M/X DR-TB in India: constraints and solutions

11 :00 – 11 :20

Kiran Katoch
DOTS experience in Ghatampur

11 :30 – 11 :50

Neena Valecha
Drug Susceptibility of malaria parasites: implications in treatment

12 :00 – 13 :30


Drug discovery and persistence

13 :30 – 13 :50

Jaya S. Tyagi
Dormant Mycobacterium tuberculosis: Challenges and opportunities

14 :00 – 14 :20

John McKinney
Single-cell analysis of persistence in Mycobacteria

14 :30 – 14 :50

Sudhir Sinha
Challenges in anti-TB drug discovery and the CDRI initiative

15 :00 – 15 :15

Coffee break

15 :15 – 15 :35

Christian Doerig
Malaria: Targeting parasite and host cell kinomes

Immune responses

15 :45 – 16 :05

Dirk Dobbelaere
Theileria-induced host cell transformation: a matter of "divide and rule"

16 :15 – 16 :35

Pawan Sharma
Modulation of macrophage function by the proteins secreted from the RD-1 region of M. tuberculosis

16 :45 – 17 :05

Giuseppe Pantaleo
HIV Vaccine: where we are, where we should be, where we may be





Tuesday, 13 October


Gene regulation, signal transduction and intracellular trafficking

09 :00 – 09 :20

Claudia Sala
Towards a regulatory map of the genome of M. tuberculosis

09 :30 – 09 :50

Valakunja Nagaraja
Topoisomerases, topology modulatory proteins and topology - transcription coupling in mycobacteria

10 :00 – 10 :20

Sujatha Narayanan
Protein kinase E of M. tuberculosis has a role in the nitric oxide stress response and apoptosis in a human macrophage model of infection

10 :30 – 10 :45

Coffee break

10 :45 – 11 :05

Jean Pieters
Life and Death of M. tuberculosis within host macrophages

11 :15 – 11 :35

Pushkar Sharma
Dissection of signaling and trafficking events in malaria parasite

11 :45 – 12 :05

Dominique Soldati-Favre
Mechanisms controlling motility and host cell invasion by the Apicomplexans

12 :15 – 13 :45

Lunch break

13 :45 – 14 :05

Hans-Peter Beck
Cell biology and malaria

Infectious diseases : Mechanistic aspects

14 :15 – 14 :35

Peter Sander
Mycobacterial lipoproteins - symthesis, structure and their role in virulence

14 :45 – 15 :05

Shekar C. Mande
Multiple functions of M. tuberculosis chaperonins

15 :15 – 15 :30

Coffee break

15 :30 – 15 :50

Till Voss
The role of heterochromatin protein 1 in phenotypic variation of Plasmodium falciparum virulence factors

16 :00 – 16 :20

Angela Ciuffi
HIV integration and LEDGF/p75

16 :30 – 16 :50

Didier Trono
Epigenetic control of retroelements

17 :00 – 17 :15

Closing speech