Ingmar's EPFL Wiki
Score Table for the Assassins Game
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This page shows the score table of the Asssassins Game, running from Monday, October 13 to Friday, October 17. It will be updated about once per day during that period. It might take a while for some bonus points to be included. For micro updates please keep an eye on our Twitter page.

Please remember to report any kill to the GMs.


Score Table of the Assassins Game
Pseudonym # cleaned targets # own deaths* Points Comments
Caffeine Kills - 1st place  5  2  250  
Carborator  2  4  45  
Chuck Norris  4  3  95    
Danger  0  4  -15    
Eris  0  3  0    
Estrella  3  1  95  only ass-ed once  
Flinz  4  2  100  
Flipi - 2nd place  5  4  165  
Gredin  4  3  95  
Kaka  2  5  20  first Lemming
Mr Pink  2  2  50  
Tea Bag - 3rd place  4  2  150  

 * Only correct assassinations as an assigned target are listed here. So no accidental deaths or acts of self-defense are included and the count cannot exceed five. The total sums of the second and third column will be equal.

 [Yes we know that the table above is not sorted by points, but this is non-trivial to do with this wiki software.]


And this is how the assassins prefer to wipe out their targets.

Weapon class # assassinations
Banana guns   5
Projectiles   13
Bombs   4
Poison   1
Camera rifles   1
Close combat   9
Other   1

