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GSA International Poetry Evening
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In cooperation with the GSA an International Poetry Evening was held on

Wednesday, December 10, 20h00  BC 355

People presented/read between one and three of their favorite poems in their native or another language, while providing either a translation or at least a summary of the poem in English.

The programme (including the original texts with translations) as well as additional files ("Marquise", "Il suffit de passer le pont", "La prière") compiled by the speakers (e.g. by Saket or Rammohan) can also be found on this page (... in the links that were just given).


Some of the poems presented

"Die Bürgschaft", Friedrich von SchillerGerman

"Der Zauberlehrling", Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, German

"Herr von Ribbeck auf Ribbeck im Havelland", Theodor FontaneGerman

"Il suffit de passer le pont", Georges Brassens, French

"La prière", Francis Jammes et Georges Brassens, French

"Marquise", Pierre Corneille et Tristan Bernard, French

"Trei feţe", Lucian Blaga, Romanian

"Skating Away (on the Thin Ice of a New Day)", Jethro Tull, English

"Le Corbeau et le Renard", Jean de La FontaineFrench

"À une passante", Charles Baudelaire, French

"Demain, dès l’aube, à l’heure où blanchit la campagne", Victor Hugo, French

"Moj dom", Silvije Strahimir Kranjcevic, Croatian

"Italian of the East", From the Maha Bharata, Telugu

"Die Stadt der Träumenden Bücher", Hildegunst von Mythenmetz (Walter Moers), German

Untitled ("Who am I?"), Adi Sankaracharya, Sanskrit

"When the breeze ruffles your hair", Mangesh Padgaonkar, Marathi

"Şi dacă...", Mihai Eminescu, Romanian

"Eu nu strivesc corola de minuni a lumii", Lucian Blaga, Romanian


The Dead Poets Society (= people who participated)

Christopher Cianci

Laurent Doyen

Barbara Jobstmann

Stéphane Magnenat

Maria Mateescu

Rammohan Narendula

Ruzica Piskac

Saket Sathe

Alex Susu

Ingmar Weber

