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CATIA > Installation of Catia V5 R18
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Installation of Catia V5 R18

                                                                                                    en français


Installing Catia V5R18 is only possible at these conditions:

  1. Windows XP PRO in:
    • French-Switzerland
    • Swiss-German
    • U.S.
  2. For students, access network through a VPN on a yellow jack
  3. Enough disk space, at least 5 GB
  4. Preferably without a graphics card shared memory


First of all, you must connect with the account "administrator" or "administrator".
  How to do this ?

  • If during the opening your session has this look:

    • Follow this instructions:
      • Open your usual session
      • Open the Control Panel> User Accounts> Change the way users log on or off
      • Uncheck "Use the Welcome screen"
      • Finish by clicking on "Apply Options"
      • Close your session and log with the account "administrator" or "administrator".
  • If your Window looks like this:

    • Connection with the account "administrator" or "administrator" is required.

Then we must verify that you have anti-virus, VirusScan.
To do this, look on the right on your Windows toolbar to verify that these two icons are there:

The first icon is for VirusScan, the second is for the ePO agent.
If you already have anti-virus software (VirusScan), then follow the instructions below otherwise proceed directly to point 2.

  1. In order to succeed the installation you must stop the services of anti-virus software (VirusScan):
    Right click on My Computer> Manage> Services and Applications> Services.
    A list of services appears on the right side of the window, three of them must to be stopped (right click on each, then Stop).
    The services will start again when the machine is restarted.
    - Network Associates Task Manager
    - Network Associates McShield
    - McAfee Framework Service

  2. The installation of Catia requires that you disable the Windows Firewall:
    Start Menu> Control Panel> Security Center> Windows Firewall > Off.

  3. Then you will have to uninstall your old versions of CATIA located on your machine before proceeding with the new installation !
    In order to install Catia correctly you have to log in as local administrator. This is an automatic installation and it is planned to install Catia on drive C. You must first check that you have sufficient space (3GB) on the drive C.
    Installation is recommended on a fixed connexion (electrical outlet and yellow cables and VPN for students).

 Mounting a drive "I"

A. Start > Open "My Computer"
B. Select "tools" in the toolbar
C. Select "mount disk" (Map Network Drive)

The following window will appear:


  1. Drive -> put the drive letter you want to mount -> I
  2. Folder -> server name -> \ \ stisrv \ app
  3. Do not check the box -> "Reconnect at logon"
  4. Select -> connect with a different name (different user name)
    Another window will appear, fill it up with your own User Name and your Password

    Student -> students \ username (your password)
    Staff -> sti \ username (your password)
  5. Finally click -> "ok" and then -> finish

Mounting a drive «R »

Make the same way as for mounting the first disk "I" but with the following information:

1. Drive -> put the drive letter you want to mount -> R
2. Folder -> server name -> \ \ stisrv \ CATIA
3. Select the box -> Reconnect at logon
4. Select -> connect with a different user name
Do exactly the same way as for the disk "I"
6. Finally click -> "ok" and then -> finish

After these two steps, you will have the two disks mounted on your machine as shown below:

Find the installation file on the disk "I"

Once you have your two drives mounted (the "I" and "R") open the disk "I".
And I follow this path: \ cad \ ibm-dassault \

Installation of CATIA

You must have both discs (I & R) installed on your machine in order to install CATIA!
Double click on "Install_CATIA_R18_SP8_verbose.cmd" and follow the instructions given to you.
To view files, you can also use "explore", it facilitates the reading path.

You may also start the installation with the Start menu -> execute (start -> run).
Then I type: \ cad \ ibm-dassault \ Install_CATIA_R18_SP8_verbose.cmd
Once the installation is completed remember to turn on the firewall (same procedure as for the off) and reboot the machine to restart the services.


The R disc must always be connected during use!
Students and nomadic users must be connected by VPN
Staff should be allowed to use Catia in their laboratory.


Installation and application disk access I: \

Laurent Kling 33511
