


Last update: 14.05.2012


General purpose


These machines are available for anyone to use, given that you can login with your Gaspar credentials.

Name OS Processor
Frequency (GHz) L2 Cache (Kb) RAM (Gb) Bogomips Manufacturer
icivrgsrv1 Ubuntu 10.04.3 4 x AMD Opteron
32 cores total
2.30 512 64 4600 Transtec

Special purpose




These machines are workstations. They are owned by a colleague who uses it for its daily activities. They are not meant to be used as data processing machines by others.

It can be a desktop, a laptop, it can be up or down, and you may or may not have access to them. If you think you need to use such a machine, please first get the permission of the owner.

List of workstations.



These machines are not meant to be used as data processing machines, since they usually offer IT infrastructure services, like DHCP server, print server, web server and so on.

Normally, you cannot login into them, but rather you use the services they offer, most of the time transparently.

They are listed here though, just so that we don't forget about them.

Name OS Processor(s) Frequency (GHz) L2 Cache (Kb)  RAM (Gb) Bogomips Model Services
lcavsrv6 -        


lcavsrv8 -              
lcavsrv12 -              
lcavsrv13 -