Option Explicit 'Script written by Russell Loveridge 'Script copyrighted by ' This is the same script as 06 except without COMMENTS to show how small it is Call Main() Sub Main() Dim strObject, dblSize, intDir strObject = Rhino.GetObject( "Select an object to move" ) If IsNull(strObject) Then Exit Sub dblSize = Rhino.GetReal("enter distance to move the box", 10) intDir = Rhino.GetInteger("direction to move the box: X=0, Y=1, Z=2", 0, 0, 2) If intDir = 0 Then Rhino.MoveObject strObject, Array(0,0,0), Array(dblSize,0,0) ElseIf intDir = 1 Then Rhino.MoveObject strObject, Array(0,0,0), Array(0,dblSize,0) Else Rhino.MoveObject strObject, Array(0,0,0), Array(0,0,dblSize) End If End Sub