Digital Technology Seminar
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Digital Technology Seminar - DTS


lapa DTS - Digital Technology Seminar
February 21-22, 2008

As part of the second semester, lapa conducts each year a two day Digital Technology Seminar.
The DTS is a forum to explore new technolgies and methodological application of digital design technologies into architectural practice.  The DTS introduces designing and working approaches that differ from traditional architectural design, and emphasize the importance of data continuity in the production process.

The DTS introduces lapa studio participants to digital design and fabrication concepts of programmed design (
adaptive geometry, parametric and algorithmic design), and computer asisted manufacturing (Rapid Prototyping, CNC, and robotic fabrication).

The DTS has three fundamental goals:

- To improve the basic skill set of participants in the area of 3d and CAAD programming.
- To introduce and give "hands on" with the  various forms of CAM production within lapa
- To give an overview of emerging trends and technologies that will affect future practice.

DTS - Dowloads

For full access to sample files and programming tutorials visit the downloads page