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London Southwark Studio - FS07 / SS08


lapa Studio - Southwark - London UK

For the 2008-2009 studio year, lapa investigated the London Borough of Southwark.

In accordance with the lapa methodology, as with previous years, the studio was a full year (2 semesters) of study: The fall semester concentrated on the area at the urban scale, and the following spring semester used the findings of the FS as a basis for the development of architectural projects as "proof of concept" and validation of the urban findings.

Southwark, as an area of study is varied, interesting, and topical.
In common with much of the south bank of the Thames, Southwark has seen extensive regeneration in the last decade. Declining light industry and factories have given way to residential development, shops, restaurants, galleries and bars. The Borough is generally an area of mixed development, with council estates, major office developments, social housing and high value residential gated communities side by side with each other.

Metropolitain London
Southwark is a vast, densely populated and heterogeneous borough which is divided in three distinct areas: the north area along the Thames is undergoing huge changes, is becoming more and more affluent and is home to the renowned Tate Modern. The middle area around Peckham is mainly deprived and its population is constituted by a mix of different cultures. The south area around Dulwich is very affluent, almost exclusively made of residential areas and famous colleges surrounding by green parks.   The London Plan has set notable goals for the development of new housing and rejuvenation for this borough. As the topic for this year's studio lapa will study and work with the issues surrounding the ongoing urban development of Shouthwark.

Within the current context of intense political, social, and economic pressure lapa analysed the issues facing the area and developed a strategic plan for future development This was then validated using design projects developed in the Spring semester.

For more information consult the lapa studio course booklet
