How to visualize nifti data?


+ easy to instal & to use

+ 4D data

+ can save a previous session data & setup



+ good to show multiple overlays on a structural MRI scan

+ selection of different Atlases in MNI (on the small atlas symbol in the Window with the coordinates)

+ easy setting of transparecy/colormaps of multiple overlays

- export only by taking screenshots

- only 3-slice view



+ can vizualize 4D data (time courses at every voxel)

+ can easy save png files to create movies from

- difficult to install (but instructions can be found here)



Matlab toolbox to plot slices in figures

+ can be included in Matlab code

+ can handle multiple overlays


Best way to use: create a slover object with the GUI, then modify the properties of the object in Matlab.

- not very well documented (but ask me [Daniela] if you have any questions)



+ very simple viewers with different pros and cons


Surf Ice

+ super simple to use

+ gives very nice images in a surface-based visualization

+ can load all sorts of different data types (SPM, FSL, Freesurfer, Tracks, Nodes, ...)

+ includes scripting possibility from Matlab or Python