Access rights extension to the Open Directory @EPFL
Objective1) Remove ALL full-administration-capable users ! 2) Grant the right to users without administration capabilities to adding computers into computersgroups. 3) Grant the right to users without administration capabilities edit MCXSettings into computersgroups.
ContextMaster Open Directory: OS X 10.9.4 & Server 3.1.2 Client: OS X 10.9.4
Added items to directoryFor pilot project…
Procedure1) Bind a trusted computer with Directory Utility.
Follow Up1) usergroup creation by the faculty administrator with 2) Receive usergroup name and desired computergroup name from the administrator. 3) computergroup creation by us. 4) ACL creation for grant the edit/modify rights (members and MCXSettings) to the computergroup by the usergroup. 5) include usergroup into group (for access with WGM).
New ACL rules script
# title: Règles DACL
# subtitle: -
# project: cn=Open Directory @ EPFL
# modification date: 8 septembre 2014
# creation date: 26 august 2014
# version: 0.6
# file name: .../ACLadd
# dependence: .../ACLdel
# author: Pascal Fabbri @ ÉpfL Domaine IT - Core Services (DIT-SB)
# email:
# character set: UTF-8
# description: Charge de nouvelles règles DACL au niveau OpenLDAP de
# l'infrastructure Open Directory. Une authentification comme
# administrateur de l’annuaire est nécessaire (exemple:
# kinit diradmin).
nc=`ldapsearch -x -LLL -b "" -s base namingContexts | awk '/namingContexts/ {print $2}'`
# Naming Context: dc=moda,dc=epfl,dc=ch
hn=`ldapsearch -x -LLL -b "" -s base dNSHostName | awk '/dNSHostName/ {print $2}'`
# Host Name:
# Groupe de gestionnaire
# Groupe de machine
ldapmodify <<EOF
# Ensemble de règle n°2.
dn: olcDatabase={1}bdb,cn=config
changetype: modify
add: olcAccess
olcAccess: {0}to
by set="user/uid & [cn=heurole,cn=groups,dc=modb,dc=epfl,dc=ch]/memberUid" write
by set="user/uid & [cn=admin,cn=groups,dc=modb,dc=epfl,dc=ch]/memberUid" write
by sockurl="ldapi://%2Fvar%2Frun%2Fldapi" write
by dn.exact="$,cn=computers,dc=modb,dc=epfl,dc=ch" write
by * read
# Seuls les membres du groupe «heurole» ont le privilège d'ajouter ou de retirer
# un membre au groupe de machines «heureux». Ensemble de règle n°2.
dn: olcDatabase={1}bdb,cn=config
changetype: modify
add: olcAccess
olcAccess: {1}to
by set="user/uid & [cn=heurole,cn=groups,dc=modb,dc=epfl,dc=ch]/memberUid" write
by set="user/uid & [cn=admin,cn=groups,dc=modb,dc=epfl,dc=ch]/memberUid" write
by sockurl="ldapi://%2Fvar%2Frun%2Fldapi" write
by dn.exact="$,cn=computers,dc=modb,dc=epfl,dc=ch" write
by * read
# Seuls les membres du groupe «heurole» ont le privilège de gérer les
# préférences gérées (MCX) du groupe de machines «heureux». Ensemble de règle n°2.
dn: olcDatabase={1}bdb,cn=config
changetype: modify
add: olcAccess
olcAccess: {2}to
by set="user/uid & [cn=heurole,cn=groups,dc=modb,dc=epfl,dc=ch]/memberUid" write
by set="user/uid & [cn=admin,cn=groups,dc=modb,dc=epfl,dc=ch]/memberUid" write
by sockurl="ldapi://%2Fvar%2Frun%2Fldapi" write
by dn.exact="$,cn=computers,dc=modb,dc=epfl,dc=ch" write
by * read
printf "%s\n\n" "done."
#----{end of script}---------------------------------------------------------
exit 0