Binding Table
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Binding Table to OS X Yosemite 10.10 (Encrypted with SSL), Server v4 – Operating Server (production)

  Client 10.10 Client 10.9 Client 10.8
Certificat Authority of EPFL

📂 🔑

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Trusted binding to a Master as Network User x x 1 1 1 1 x x x1
Trusted binding to a Replica as Network User x x x x x2
Trusted binding to a Master as Directory Administrator x x x x
Trusted binding to a Replica as Directory Administrator x x x x x2
LDAP Tools to a Master x x x x
LDAP Tools to a Replica x x x x


When Unbind, display message: « Insufficient privileges: The account you provided does not have enough privileges. Would you like to forcibly remove this configuration? », and the computer record remains instead deleted in directory.


When Bind, display message: « Adding configuration failed: Unable to add to this server to the configuration for an unknown reason. Please use custom to continue this process. », and a wrong computer record is created in directory.


When Bind, display message: « Adding configuration failed: Unable to add to this server to the configuration for an unknown reason. Please use custom to continue this process. »



Binding Table to OS X Yosemite 10.10 (Encrypted with SSL), Server v4.0.3 – Bench Test Server

  Client 10.10 Client 10.9 Client 10.8
Certificat Authority of EPFL

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📂 🔑

📂 🔑
Trusted binding to a Master as Network User x x x x 2
Trusted binding to a Replica as Network User x x x x x x x x x
Trusted binding to a Master as Directory Administrator x x x x
Trusted binding to a Replica as Directory Administrator x x x x x x x x x
LDAP Tools to a Master x x x


LDAP Tools to a Replica x x x x x x x x x


Good binding, but some missing attributes into directory computer record.


Binding Table to OS X Yosemite 10.10.4 Build 14E26a (Encrypted with SSL), Server v4.1.3 Build 14S1113 – Bench Test Server

  Client 10.10 Client 10.9 Client 10.8
Certificat Authority of EPFL

📂 🔑

📂 🔑

📂 🔑
Trusted binding to a Master as Network User x x x x      
Trusted binding to a Replica as Network User x x x x      
Trusted binding to a Master as Directory Administrator x x x x      
Trusted binding to a Replica as Directory Administrator x x x x      
LDAP Tools to a Master x x x      
LDAP Tools to a Replica x x x      

– Without certificate installed

📂 Certificat loaded in /etc/openldap/ldap.conf.

🔑 Certificat loaded in Keychain Access (System, Certificates).


√ OK, it works.

x Doesn't works.

12 juin 2015
