// SQ file for Segway simulator. // http://www.segway.com/ // Francois Roulet, mailto:francois.roulet@epfl.ch // EPFL - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology. // Version 2.0, 13.2.2005 // Thanks to Yves Piguet of Calerga for his invaluable help. title "Segway simulator" // Interactive Ackermann poles placement for Segway version {@
Version 2.0, 13.2.2005

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
CH-1015 Lausanne
@} help {@
There's a Segway simulator (with the mechanical data of Joe-le-pendule):

In the first pane,
you can move the poles of the closed-loop system.
In the last pane,
you can adjust a disturbing torque.
@} variable q // Characteristic polynomial variable A23, A43 // matrix A coefficients variable B2, B4 // matrix B coefficients variable Pc // Controllability Matrix variable qA // Characteristic polynomial of matrix A variable G // System State variable K // Feedback matrix = the solution ! variables t, u // FreeWave vector variable G_closedloop // Closed Loop Transfert function variable Place // Poles placement menu "Poles placement A" _checkmark(Place==1) (q,Place) = SetPlaceSettings(1) menu "Poles placement B" _checkmark(Place==2) (q,Place) = SetPlaceSettings(2) menu "Poles placement C" _checkmark(Place==3) (q,Place) = SetPlaceSettings(3) init (A23,A43,B2,B4,G,q,Place,t,u) = init make (K, G_closedloop) = calc_Closedloop (G, q) function {@ use stdlib, lti function (A23,A43,B2,B4,G,q,Place,t,u) = init A23 = -5.75; A43 = 41.8; B2 = 1.58; B4 = -5.73; G = ss([0,A23,0;0,0,1;0,A43,0], [B2;0;B4], eye(3)); Place = 2; // Poles placement B q = poly([-3.5, -3.5-j, -3.5+j]); t = [0, 1.5, 4.5, 5.2, 8]; u = [0, 1.5, 1.5, 0, 0]; subplots('Closed-Loop Poles\tReaction to Impulse disturbance\nBode Magnitude\tReaction to arbitrary Torque input\nFeedback matrix K') function (q,Place) = SetPlaceSettings(Place) switch Place case 1 q = poly([-3.5, -3.5-3.5j, -3.5+3.5j]); case 2 q = poly([-3.5, -3.5-j, -3.5+j]); case 3 q = poly([-8.5, -1-j, -1+j]); end function drawPoles(q) z = [roots(q)]; z = [z(:); 0]; sc = [min(real(z)), max(real(z)), min(imag(z)), max(imag(z))]; sc = 1.5 * (sc + max(abs(sc)) * 0.1 * [-1, 1, -1, 1]); scale('equal', sc); sgrid; plotroots(q,'x',1); label('sigma', 'jw'); function (q,msg) = dragPoles(q,nb,z0,z1) if isempty(nb) cancel end (q, zz) = movezero(q, z0, z1); msg = dispComplex('Closed-loop pole: ', zz); function (msg, cursor) = overCLPoles(z) if isempty(z) cancel; end cursor = true; msg = dispComplex('Closed-loop pole: ', z); function msg = dispComplex(s, z) if imag(z) == 0 msg = sprintf('%s%.2g', s, z); elseif imag(z) > 0 msg = sprintf('%s%.2g+%.2gj', s, real(z), imag(z)); else msg = sprintf('%s%.2g%.2gj', s, real(z), imag(z)); end function drawImpulseResponse(G_closedloop) scale([-0.5, 3.5, -2, 2]); impulse(G_closedloop, 'mcg'); legend('dx/dt\ntheta\nd(theta)/dt', 'mcg') label('Time [s]'); function drawStepResponse(G_closedloop,t,u) scale([-0.5, 8, -1, 2]); lsim((G_closedloop), -u, t, 'mcg'); plot(t, u, 'b', 1); legend('dx/dt\ntheta\nd(theta)/dt\nTorque-cmd', 'mcgb') label('Time [s]'); function drawBode(G_closedloop) scale('logdb', [1,100]); bodemag(G_closedloop, 'mcg'); legend('dx/dt\ntheta\nd(theta)/dt', 'mcg') label('[Hz]'); function (K, G_closedloop) = calc_Closedloop(G, q) Pc = ctrb(G); qA = polyvalm(q, G.A); K = (Pc \ qA)(end, :); G_closedloop = feedback(G, ss(K)); function drawController(K) font = fontset('Font', 'Helvetica', ... 'Bold', true, ... 'Size', 12, ... 'Color', [0,0,1]); kij = 'Coefficient dx/dt :'; kij = sprintf('%s\t\t%.1f',kij,K(1)); text(kij, font); kij = 'Coefficient theta :'; kij = sprintf('%s\t\t%.1f',kij,K(2)); text(kij, font); kij = 'Coefficient d(theta)/dt :'; kij = sprintf('%s\t\t%.1f',kij,K(3)); text(kij, font); function (t, u, msg) = dragWave(t, u, ix, x1, y1) if isempty(ix) cancel; % not a click over a point end if ix == 1 cancel; % first element end if ix == length(t) cancel; % last element end if x1 < t(ix-1) % too low t(ix) = t(ix-1); elseif x1 > t(ix+1) % too high t(ix) = t(ix+1); else t(ix) = x1; end u(ix) = y1; msg = sprintf('u: %g t: %g', u(ix), t(ix)); function (msg, cursor) = overWave(t, u, ix) if isempty(ix) cancel; end cursor = true; msg = sprintf('u: %g t: %g', u(ix), t(ix)); @} figure "Closed-Loop Poles" draw drawPoles(q) mousedrag (q,_msg) = dragPoles(q,_nb,_z0,_z1) mouseover (_msg, _cursor) = overCLPoles(_z0) figure "Reaction to Impulse disturbance" draw drawImpulseResponse(G_closedloop) figure "Reaction to arbitrary Torque input" draw drawStepResponse(G_closedloop,t,u) mousedrag (t, u, _msg) = dragWave(t, u, _ix, _x1, _y1) mouseover (_msg, _cursor) = overWave(t, u, _ix) figure "Feedback matrix K" draw drawController(K) figure "Bode Magnitude" draw drawBode(G_closedloop)