display dialog "aujourdhui: " & (current date) as string
set turtle to (load script file (CurrentFolder() & "turtleLib.scpt")) set graphlib to (load script file (CurrentFolder() & "graphLib.scpt")) set textLib to (load script file (CurrentFolder() & "textLib.scpt")) set mathlib to (load script file (CurrentFolder() & "mathLib.scpt"))
set modele to "Titre=\"SpiraleRectangle2x\" x0=0 y0=0 angle=0 delta=90 step=12 Axiom=\"[S]++[S]\" S=\"F-[S]\" n=32"
editerFormules("LS-data:", modele)
set n to lireTable("n") set code to generation(n) -- generates n-th turtle code from tableDeSymboles starting with Axiom
set titre to lireTable("Titre") tell turtle to create(titre) tell graphlib to paintText(my regles(), {-100, 40}, 40, {0, 0, 0})
set x0 to lireTable("x0") set y0 to lireTable("y0") set angle to lireTable("angle") set penColor to lireTable("penColor") -- valeur par défaut de penWidth = 10 (pixels) tell turtle to start(x0, y0, angle, penWidth, penColor)
set step to lireTable("step") set delta to lireTable("delta") turtlePoints(code) -- creates wayPoints -----------------------------------------------
set biseau to lireTable("biseau") tell turtle to draw() -- draws wayPoints
on Branch() -- routine exécutée au début de chaque embranchement [] global turtle, x, y, xp, yp, alpha, c, s, d, step, delta, penIsDown, penWidth, penColor set {step, penWidth} to {step * 0.9, penWidth * 0.7 + 0.5} tell turtle to set penColor to changeColor() end Branch
on turtlePoints(code) global turtle, x, y, alpha, c, s, step, delta, step, penIsDown, penWidth, penColor, biseau, currentway, wayPoints -- état de la tortue (alpha est redondant) -- result is in turtle's wayPoints if code = "" then return tell turtle repeat with i from 1 to count code set symbol to character i of code ----if symbol = "F" then --- symbol = "F" etc. if (offset of symbol in " A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ") > 0 then --- symbol = "F" etc. forward(step) else if symbol = "+" then turn(-delta) else if symbol = "-" then turn(delta) else if symbol = "[" then push() my Branch() start(x, y, alpha, penWidth, penColor) else if symbol = "]" then pop() end if end repeat end tell end turtlePoints
on generation(n) if n = 0 then return "F" set code to lireTable("Axiom") repeat n - 1 times set code to substitution(code) end repeat return code as text end generation
on substitution(chaine) -- utilise la tableDeSymboles if chaine = "" then return "" set code to {} repeat with i from 1 to count chaine set symbol to character i of chaine if (offset of symbol in " + - [ ] F ") > 0 then copy symbol to end of code else copy lireTable(symbol) to end of code end if end repeat set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {""} return code as text end substitution ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- on lireTable(symbole) global TabledeSymboles repeat with i from 1 to count TabledeSymboles set paire to (item i of TabledeSymboles) if symbole = first item of paire then return unquote(second item of paire) end repeat display dialog "donnez une valeur au symbole " & symbole default answer "" set valeur to (text returned of result) --as number copy {symbole, valeur} to end of TabledeSymboles return valeur end lireTable
on unquote(symbole) global textLib if class of symbole is string then tell textLib to return subst(symbole, "\"", "") return symbole end unquote
on regles() global TabledeSymboles set res to "" repeat with i from 1 to count TabledeSymboles set {mg, md} to item i of TabledeSymboles if (mg = "Axiom") or (mg = "delta") or (mg = "biseau") or (length of mg) = 1 then ¬ set res to res & return & mg & " = " & unquote(md) end repeat end regles
on editerFormules(titre, modele) -- initialise tabledeSymboles (une pairlist) avec les règles et paramètres édités -- les données sont formées de plusieurs lignes avec chacune une initialisation ou une règle -- le format des initialisations de paramètre et des règles LS est une affectation: "symbole = expression" global mathlib, textLib, TabledeSymboles
-- initialiser les paramètres par défaut, ils peuvent être modifiés ensuite par evaluer(expression) set TabledeSymboles to {{"Titre", "sansTitre"}, {"x0", 0}, {"y0", 0}, {"angle", 0}, {"delta", 90}, ¬ {"step", 1}, {"penwidth", 10}, {"penColor", {50, 200, 50}}, {"biseau", 0}, {"n", 1}} tell textLib set textRef to showText(titre, modele) activate -- temps pour éditer repeat set answer to display dialog titre buttons {"choisir.txt", "quitter", "vérifier/tracer"} default button "vérifier/tracer" activate
if button returned of answer is "vérifier/tracer" then try set modele to getText(textRef) repeat with ligne in paragraphs of modele tell mathlib to set affectation to syntaxe(ligne) -- liste des arbres syntaxiques if affectation = {} then -- skip else if first item of affectation = "=" then tell mathlib to eval(affectation) -- met x0, y0, angle, delta, step etc. dans la tableDeSymboles else error end if end repeat return modele on error mess display dialog mess & linefeed & linefeed & "Corrigez la ligne: " & ligne end try activate
else if button returned of answer is "choisir.txt" then tell application "TextEdit" to close textRef set textRef to chooseText() set titre to name of textRef setTextAttributes(textRef, 0) activate
else if button returned of answer is "quitter" then return "" end if end repeat end tell end editerFormules
-- utilitaire pour chercher le dossier des lib (le même que ce script) on CurrentFolder() tell application "Finder" to set sel to (selection as string) set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {":"} return ((items 1 through -2 of (text items of sel)) as text) & ":" end CurrentFolder |