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Hardware Design Extension boards

A specific extension board is developed to have nice laboratories for the students.

Current schematic of the board.

3D view of the PrSOC system.

Connectors & i2c addresses

LCD+VGA with different sizes supported






  • 240x320 pixels


  • 240x320 pixels
  • Resistive touch screen


A joystick as we can found PS-2 extension for players is provided near the LCD. With X & Y analog movement it could be use for games on the display or to control the Pan Tilt system with camera.

The connector is 5 pins, +5V powered.

Joystick connections
Pin Nb Signals GPIO FPGA    
1 Gnd        
2 3.3V .. 5V (Vcc)        
3 VRx (Vertical position)  


Pos. High -> Vcc



Pos. Low -> Gnd

4 VRy (Horizontal position)   Gnd <--> Vcc Gnd <- Pos. Left  pos. Right -> Vcc
5 Sw (Switch), needs a Pull_Up nSW Connected to Gnd when pressed    

R between Vcc and Gnd = 4 k

The resistors are 10k. The idle position is Vcc/2.



The 2 analog outputs are connected to an ADC with SPI connection to the FPGA: MCP3204T

The ADC has 4 input, 2 Joystick modules are connected to one ADC chip.

ADC connections for Joystick
Input Joystick
Ch0 Left  : Vx_L
Ch1 Left  : Vy_L
Ch2 Right: Vx_R
Ch3 Right: Vy_R

The ADC converter is connected through the SPI interface.

ADC control by SPI
Signals FPGA Pin







PAL camera

The small camera is mounted on the Pan tilt and the PAL output is decoded by a video decoder TW9912 from Intersil.

The output is a digital stream in YCrCb format 4:2:2.

Thermal Camera

A nice module with thermal captors allows to capturerevolutionary longwave infrared (LWIR) image

Bluetooth extension

WiFi extension (ESP8266)

Camera module extension



  • Extension with WS2812B 3colors RGB LEDs
  • 4 pins device
  • +5V Vcc and Din level !!
  • Serial communication with pulse width modulation for Reset, 0 and 1
  • Transfert order RGB MSb first: G7..G0 R7..R0 B7..B0
  • Bit transfers timing
    Timing Name Time Tolerance
    T0H 0.4  us +/- 150 ns
    T0L 0.85 us +/- 150 ns
    T1H 0.8  us +/- 150 ns
    T1L 0.45 us +/- 150 ns
    TReset > 50us  
  •  WS2812 datasheet 


OneWire unique ID chip 

GPIO Extension connectors

  • 40 pins
  • 2 rows
  • 2.54mm pitch

40 pins connector GPIO 0(J2) Top View

  Name      GPIO_0       pin   pin       GPIO_0     Name  
  nI2C_Int  GPIO_0_b0 1 2  GPIO_0_b1 PIROut PIR
  Cam_PAL_VGA_SDA  GPIO_0_b2 3 4  GPIO_0_b3 Cam_PAL_VGA_SCL i2c
  PAL_VD_HSO  GPIO_0_b4 5 6  GPIO_0_b5 PAL_VD_VSO  
  PAL_VD7  GPIO_0_b6 7 8  GPIO_0_b7 PAL_VD6  
  PAL_VD5  GPIO_0_b8 9 10  GPIO_0_b9 Board_ID OneWire
     +5V 11 12  Gnd    
  PAL_VD3  GPIO_0_b10 13 14  GPIO_0_b11 PAL_VD4  
  PAL_VD1  GPIO_0_b12 15 16  GPIO_0_b13 PAL_VD2  
  PAL_VD_CLKO  GPIO_0_b14 17 18  GPIO_0_b15 PAL_VD0  
  Servo0  GPIO_0_b16 19 20  GPIO_0_b17 Cam_PixClk  
  Servo1  GPIO_0_b18 21 22  GPIO_0_b19 Cam_LV  
  From_ESP_TxD  GPIO_0_b20 23 24  GPIO_0_b21 Cam_FV  
  To_ESP_RxD  GPIO_0_b22 25 26  GPIO_0_b23 Cam_SysClk  
  SPI_MISO  GPIO_0_b24 27 28  GPIO_0_b25 SPI_Ena_n  
     +3.3V 29 30  Gnd    
  J0_SPI_CS_n  GPIO_0_b26 31 32  GPIO_0_b27 SPI_Clk  
  J0_SPI_MOSI  GPIO_0_b28 33 34  GPIO_0_b29 SPI_MOSI  
  J0_SPI_MISO  GPIO_0_b30 35 36  GPIO_0_b31 SPI_DAT  
  J0_SPI_CLK  GPIO_0_b32 37 38  GPIO_0_b33 PIO_SCL  
  LED_BGR  GPIO_0_b34 39 40  GPIO_0_b35 PIO_SDA  


40 pins connector GPIO 1(J1) Top View

  Name      GPIO_1       pin   pin       GPIO_1     Name  
  Video_R0  GPIO_1_35 40 39  GPIO_1_b34 Video_R1  
  Video_R2  GPIO_1_33 38 37  GPIO_1_b32 Video_R3  
  Video_R4  GPIO_1_31 36 35  GPIO_1_b30 Video_R5  
  Video_R6  GPIO_1_29 34 33  GPIO_1_b28 Video_R7  
  Video_G0  GPIO_1_27 32 31  GPIO_1_b26 Video_G1  
     +5V 30 29  Gnd    
  Video_G2  GPIO_1_b25 28 27  GPIO_1_b24 Video_G3  
  Video_G4  GPIO_1_b23 26 25  GPIO_1_b22 Video_G5  
  Video_G6  GPIO_1_b21 24 23  GPIO_1_b20 Video_G7  
  Video_B0  GPIO_1_b19 22 21  GPIO_1_b18 Video_B1  
  Video_B2  GPIO_1_b17 20 19  GPIO_1_b16 Video_B3  
  Video_B4  GPIO_1_b15 18 17  GPIO_1_b14 Video_B5  
  Video_B6  GPIO_1_b13 16 15  GPIO_1_b12 Video_B7  
  Video_Clk  GPIO_1_b11 14 13  GPIO_1_b10 Video_VSync  
     +3.3V 12 11  Gnd    
  Board_ID  GPIO_1_b9 10 9  GPIO_1_b8 Video_HSync  
  BLT_RxD  GPIO_1_b7 8 7  GPIO_1_b6 LCD_DispEn  
  BLT_TxD  GPIO_1_b5 6 5  GPIO_1_b4 LCD_DE  
  TS_SDA  GPIO_1_b3 4 3  GPIO_1_b2 nReset  
  TS_SCL  GPIO_1_b1 2 1  GPIO_1_b0 LCD_nPintDAV  

