- français
- English
Yet Another Robot Platform
1. Start a YARP server (>> yarp server
) in the terminal
2. Open a new tab and run agent1 (>> ./ag1)
3. Open a new tab and run agent2 (>> ./ag2
4. Open a new tab and run agent3 (>> ./ag3
5. Open a new tab and run the aggregator (>> ./zcon
6. Open an new tab and start the scope (>> yarpscope --xml ADMMscope.x
) ml
7. Open a new tab and start the clock (>> ./clocker 20) "20" is the MAX_ITER of the program
(where ">>" is simply the prompt)
how to compile with cmake
At the folder where the source code is located
>> cmake .
>> make
check if YARP is running properly
>> yarp check
how to find the yarp server
>> yarp detect
>> yarp where
- Yarp Multicast (send the same message to everybody)
- Yarp without Yarp (wrap a process with yarp code without installing YARP)
- Install SWIG (using homebrew)
- Tutorial on calling YARP from MATLAB
- Spawning hundrends of nodes
- Yarp Clock (synchronization)
- Data Flow (finite state machines)
- Yarp Network (Configuration and Statistcs)
- Yarp Messages (Types)