Yet Another Robot Platform



1. Start a YARP server (>> yarp server) in the terminal

2. Open a new tab and run agent1 (>> ./ag1)

3. Open a new tab and run agent2 (>> ./ag2)

4. Open a new tab and run agent3 (>> ./ag3)

5. Open a new tab and run the aggregator (>> ./zcon)

6. Open an new tab and start the scope (>>  yarpscope --xml ADMMscope.xml)

7. Open a new tab and start the clock (>> ./clocker 20) "20" is the MAX_ITER of the program


(where ">>" is simply the prompt)


how to compile with cmake

At the folder where the source code is located

>> cmake .

>> make


check if YARP is running properly

>> yarp check


how to find the yarp server

>> yarp detect

>> yarp where



  1. Yarp Multicast (send the same message to everybody)
  2. Yarp without Yarp (wrap a process with yarp code without installing YARP)
  3. Spawning hundrends of nodes
  4. Yarp Clock (synchronization)
  5. Data Flow (finite state machines)
  6. Yarp Network (Configuration and Statistcs)
  7. Yarp Messages (Types)