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emotiv epoc head set
Start with Emotiv Epoc:
A good general starting point is always the wiki page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emotiv_Systems
Emokit is a set of language for user space access to the raw stream data from the Emotiv EPOC headset. Note that this will not give you processed data (i.e. anything available in the Emo Suites in the software), just the raw sensor data.
The C library is currently supported on:
- OS X/Linux - Via libusb-1.0
- Windows - via Win32 HID calls
The Python library is currently supported on:
- Linux - udev rules and file system access (no special library required)
- Windows - pywinhid
- OS X - Coming soon (via pyusb)
you can find it here : emokit
Existing TOOLS and examples
There are already tools that deals with Emotiv sensors and can come in handle (following a list not pretendiing to include everything):
mindyourosc is an interesting tool to enable your emotiv to send OSC signals so to couple easily with any software which takes in OSC packets. more infos here http://www.emotiv.com/store/apps/applications/131/1446 and http://mindyouroscs.sourceforge.net/
a good tutorial to use processing with it http://hyperritual.com/blog/processing-epoc-osc/
affectcircles is one of the nice examples of using processing with emotiv via OSC to influence a video stream http://hyperritual.com/portfolio/affectcircles/
Here is video footage from Spectacle of the Mind, a Global Mind Project performance featuring Stelarc,Domenico De Clario, and Jill Orr, all using EPOCs in multimedia performance art.
DIfferent medical and not medical devices drivers can be found here: http://www.openyou.org/libs/