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face eye gaze - tracking
here is a good article from where to start the eyetracking investigation: http://www.cs.bu.edu/techreports/pdf/2005-012-blink-detection.pdf
- OpenCV : the queen of libraries for computer vision
- an implementation with examples for android face tracking http://opencv.org/platforms/android/opencv4android-samples.html
- processing opencv porting http://ubaa.net/shared/processing/opencv/
- code example: openCV and openframeworks to track head direction http://code.google.com/p/head-eye-tracking/
- OPENTLD an eye tracker based on OPENCV : https://github.com/arthurv/OpenTLD
- a good article about human computer interaction though eyes https://www.andreas-bulling.de/fileadmin/docs/bulling10_pcm.pdf
- gaze tracking: this is the most uptodate resources available including also a gaze mouse application http://www.gazegroup.org/downloads
with a method that uses canonical correlation analisys http://www.tomheyman.be/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/Paper_POCA_GazeEstimation_HeymanTom.pdf
interesting reading/watching :
eye harp is a nice open source project to use an eye tracker to play a digital instrument: http://theeyeharp.blogspot.com
eye writer : http://www.eyewriter.org/
camera mouse is a project to use your mouse though eyes: http://www.cameramouse.org/
gaze tracking as a creative installation http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1G0MzlfMPuM