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Extra Courses for CSE
Besides the courses offered within the CSE program, it is possible to discuss with the deputy director about the inclusion of other courses in your study plan.
In all cases, the deputy director is not responsible for registering on ISA. You have to register on ISA and then ask the deputy to move the course in the correct group or block. The usual procedure is:
- complete the study plan with the new courses : excel or PDF, indicate where you'd like to have the course (bloc 1 or group 2 and list A, B, C, or D).
- send an email to the deputy director asking the permission to include a course in your own program. Include a link to the course and explain why it is interesting for you and why it is related to CSE.
- the deputy director replies to your email with a decision;
- you register the course on isa (this could be done in parallel to the previous point, in particular when the deadline for course registration approaches);
- The third week of the semester, reply to the message you received from the CSE and ask to move the course in the correct group or block.
Autumn : Courses will be moved at the end of October, if in November you still notice errors, please let us know.
Spring : Courses will be moved at the end of March, if in April you still notice errors, please let us know.
Example of such courses are the following.
CS-453 - Concurrent algorithms (list C)
CS-328: Numerical Methods for Visual Computing (list C)
MATH-470 - Martingales in financial mathematics ( list C)
MSE-639 - Statistical methods in atomistic computer simulations (probably list C)
PHYS-325 - Physique des plasmas I (list A)
Under consideration, please contact the deputy Director if you wish to take one of these courses:
COM-480 Data Vizualisation (list D)
COM-309 Quantum information processing (list A ou B)
CS-451 - Distributed Algorithms (list C)
CS-423 - Distributed information systems (list D)
CS-442 Computer vision (list B)
CS-330 Intelligence Artificielle (list D)
CS-328 Numerical methods for visual computing and ML (list C)
EE-512 - Biomedical signal processing (list B)
EE-451 Image analysos and pattern recognition (list B)
ME-484 - Numerical methods in biomechanics (List A)
ME-425 Model predictive control (list B)
MATH-493 Applied Biostatistics (list B)
MSE-423 - Fundamental of solide state mechanics (list B)
MSE-421 - Statistical mechanics (list B)