General Information

Below are listed some important informations about your studies at EPFL. All can be found on the website of EPFL. The rules are the ones of EPFL. The ones listed below might be subject to modifications. They are up-to-date in April 2024.

Requirements for passing the years

To pass the Bachelor’s cycle, a student must:

Bachelor 2nd year: courses are together in a block (=it's a weighted average) 

Bachelor 3rd year: courses are together in a group


Master: courses are together in a group (ing math, math) and/or block (CSE, statistics). For the passing of courses in a group see the 3rd year of Bachelor above. For the passing of couses in a block, see 2nd year of Bachelor above. 

To pass a 60-credit Master’s cycle, a student must have acquired all the required credits within four semesters of the admission to the Master’s cycle. To pass a 90-credit Master’s cycle, a student must have acquired all the required credits within six semesters of the admission to the Master’s cycle. This includes the internship and semester projects!