Configuration LDAP

!!! 14.04 !!!

  1. Télécharger le script à la commande line (--> wget "url") https://wiki.epfl.ch/icit/kb/ubuntu1204-ldap
  2. Le télécharger sur le desktop.
  3. Le rendre exécutable (chmod + x "url" ou clique droite sur l'icone)
  4. Devenir root ("sudo su")
  5. Lancé le script ( ./url ) pour exécuter


!!! 16.04 !!!


Install LDAP + Autmount

curl -s http://install.iccluster.epfl.ch/scripts/it/ldapAutoMount.sh  >> ldapAutoMount.sh ;    

chmod +x ldapAutoMount.sh 


echo "+ : root (IVRL-unit) (IC-IT-unit): ALL" >> /etc/security/access.conf

echo "- : ALL : ALL" >> /etc/security/access.conf


Edit /etc/auto.home

nano /etc/auto.home

# Local accounts should mount their local home
sysadmin        -fstype=bind   :/localhome/sysadmin
<username>        -fstype=bind   :/localhome/<username>

Create localhome folder

sudo su
mkdir -p /localhome/sysadmin
chown sysadmin:sysadmin /localhome/sysadmin

Change lightdm.conf

sudo nano /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf (Ou /usr/share/.. Look on google)

vi  /usr/share/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/50-ubuntu.conf


#and add this at the end of the file

Add sudo

Open the sudoers file: sudo visudo will open the /etc/sudoers file in GNU nano. If not, try export EDITOR="nano" and try sudo visudo again.


Add the below line to the end of file.

`username ALL=(ALL) ALL` **Change the user name before you issue the commands**


Then perform WriteOut with Ctrl + O. The editor will ask you for the file name to write into. The default will be /etc/sudoers.tmp:


Quit the nano editor with Ctrl + X.

