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Assassins Game
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Rules for the Assassins Game organized by the GSA

You get a list with five assigned targets.

Your job is to kill as many of them over the course of 5 days (see time frame), without getting killed (too often) by the five people who are after you.

You score points for correct assassinations, bonus points for stealth, ingenuity etc. and you lose points for getting killed or poor sportsmanship.


Registration CLOSED. 12 clients signed up.

** The hunt is on! **


Are you free for a meeting on Friday? Let us know on this Doodle.



Things to keep in mind

1. Safety always has the highest priority.

2. Don't get outsiders involved in any way.

3. Show good sportsmanship and die with honor.


Note: The following rules might be modified/improved before the start of the game on October 13. Any noteworthy changes will be also posted on the Twitter channel. In particular, we might increase the number of targets on each player's hit list from five to a higher number (most likely also an integer), if a significant number of people register.


Table of Contents

GMs - The honorable, incorruptible organizers and referees of this game

Accomplices - An information gathering helper

Bystanders - Don't get non-players involved

The Dead Don't Talk - Don't discuss your own death

Reporting a Kill - Let the GMs know

Death is Instant - No "dying shots"

Pseudonyms - Keep it secret

Off-limits Areas - Only dead animals are allowed in restaurants

Being Armed - If you're armed, you're a target

Prizes - You're in for the fun, right?

Eligibility - You need an office on campus

Allocation of Assignments - The allocation is random

Time Frame - Register before/on Tuesday, October 7

Registration - Send an email to

Weapons List - Link to a file with examples, and details of weapon classes

Points - You kill, you get points

Current Ranking - Link to score table and RSS feed

Not Our Fault - The usual legal stuff

FAQ - You ask, we answer



There are two GMs. One Game Mistress (Maria Mateescu, maria.mateescu@epfl, BC 345, 076 473 24 84) and one Game Master (Ingmar Weber,, BC 129, 076 242 79 09). You should contact them to report any kills, to ask for clarification about the rules, to report dangerous behavior by other players and so on. Please let the GMs also know if you want to resign from the game. The GMs will maintain a web site with the current score (probably updated about once per day) and a Twitter feed with the latest kills (probably updated about every other hour). The GMs may not reveal any details about the assignments or the identity of players. The GMs are not players themselves.

Punchline: Contact the GMs to report kills or if you have questions.



An accomplice is an information-gathering helper, who cannot be an assassin herself. Accomplices cannot kill anybody themselves and can’t even be directly involved in an assassination, such as by planting a bomb or hiding a weapon for you. They may never even directly handle any weapon, though they can help you in the planning phase. They cannot be used as human shields to hide behind and they cannot be used to check your room (or any other room) for bombs. They are not suicidal maniacs and their purpose is not to deliberately take a bullet (or two) for you. Their main purpose is to gather information. An accomplice could inform you when your target leaves her office or when somebody is hiding outside your office. They can also distract attention, e.g., to make it easier for you to sneak up on your victim or they could lie on your behalf by, e.g., pretending you’d already gone home. Accomplices can also die (in which case their master loses points) but they have two lives. So if they get killed, deliberately or accidentally, a second time they are out of the game. They are generally very vulnerable (and you'll lose points if they die) so think well about if you really want to use an accomplice. No information about accomplices is maintained on the website. If an accomplice gets killed by an assassin, the accomplice can no longer gather information about the assassin or follow any other orders involving this player and, from the point of this assassin, just becomes a regular bystander. So if the same assassin kills the same accomplice again, this incurs additional penalty points for killing an innocent bystander.

Punchline: An accomplice is not a human shield, waiting to take a bullet/bomb for you, but she is someone who can gather information for you.



This includes any non-player or any assassin or accomplice who has withdrawn from the game. No such person can help you in any way. Do not ask your friends, to open the office door for you. Do not ask others to act as human shields for you, though you can, of course, mix with the crowd as usual. Do not explicitly ask your life partner to open the door, when you’re expecting an assassination. And certainly do not ask any bystanders to check any room for bombs. There are penalty points for getting bystanders killed, both accidentally or deliberately.

Punchline: Don't get any non-player involved in the game.


The Dead Don’t Talk

If you get killed, either as a target or by accident, do not talk about this with others, except the GMs, while the game is going on. This is to protect the “intellectual property” that the killer owns concerning the method of your death. It also serves to protect the identity of your killer, so don’t even mention the real name of your killer. Your and her pseudonym will be listed to report the incident on the webpage. After the game is over, you may discuss things openly, write books about it and go to talk shows.

Punchline: If you get killed, don't talk about this with others while the game is going on.


Reporting a Kill

Ideally, when X kills Y, either deliberately or accidentally, both X and Y should report the incident to the GMs. If a bomb or poison was used, then X (= the killer) might not even be aware of the kill (as the bomb or poison might not have been noticed). So then it is the victim’s full responsibility to report her own death. Be sure to report the time (to get bonus points to be the first to reach 5 kills) as well as the class of the weapon used (just for statistical purposes). The GMs will resolve any controversy concerning the validity of a kill, but please show good sportsmanship and don't argue over every single incident.

Punchline: Both the killer and the victim should report a kill of any kind to the GMs.


Death is Instant

If somebody whispers “bang” in your ear, you’re dead. Immediately. There is no "I'm only wounded.". There is no time for a quick revenge. However, if should happen that two players fire at the same time (which is only possible if both player have already drawn their weapon), then both are dead. Generally, you’re heartedly invited to die in a theatrical manner. When that mobile phone rings in your office (see bomb triggers) you’re dead (if it was indeed a trigger of a bomb) and there is no time to jump to safety or hide behind your office-mate. If somebody touches you with a chocolate knife or puts her hands on your shoulders to strangle you, you're also immediately dead. If somebody takes a picture of you with a camera rifle, the instant of the photograph counts as the instant of your death. So the killer could safely show you this picture, as you're not allowed to take revenge on your killer. When there are several killers running around at the same time, you can still continue to kill the others, even a second after your own death. Obviously, you'll not score any points for a realistic death in that case.

Punchline: Death is instant. No fighting back or jumping to safety. But you're only dead for your killer.


If by being killed by an assassin, either deliberately or accidentally, you find out both her pseudonym and her true identity, then you may still not share this information with anybody (except the GMs) for the duration of the game. Dead people don’t talk. When an assassin is given her hit list, she is only given the real name of the person. Only through killing, e.g., when the kill is announced on the web site, she’ll find out the victim’s pseudonym. But even when you find out somebody’s identity by killing her, you’re asked not to share this information with anybody except possibly your accomplice. Revealing somebody else's identity will be considered poor sportsmanship.

Punchline: Do not reveal the pseudonym/identity of other players.


Off-limits Areas

No kills of any kind may happen in off-limits zones. Such kills are invalid, and the killer (not the victim) gets punished. Kills may neither happen to nor from such areas.

Opposite sex bathrooms are off-limits. If what you feel is your sex differs, from what most people usually consider to be your sex, then please pick one gender that suites you and make it known as part of your registration.

Any semi-official work- or research-related meeting constitutes an off-limits area. In particular, lectures, talks/presentations, exercise classes, meetings with a professor, adminstrative meetings etc. all constitute off-limits areas. However, informal meetings/chats in one’s office do not fall into this category. (If the meeting only involves 2 people and happens in a PhD student's office, it will most likely not be an official meeting.) Similarly, the path to or from such meetings does also not fall into the off-limits category (but watch out for innocent bystanders/professors along the way).

Any kind of restaurant-like place is off-limits. In particular, all of the 4th floor in the BC building, not just the restaurant area, is off-limits. The whole second floor of the CM zone  (hosting Parmentier, Atlantide, Vinci) up to but excluding the bridge crossing the Avenue Picard, is off-limits. An area of a radius of 10 meters around any roulotte (both kebab and pizza) is off-limits, any other restaurant (Copernic, Unitheque, …) either on or off campus is also off-limits at all times. If a zone is defined by a floor, then having one foot on this floor (or an open elevator door on this floor) counts as being inside the off-limits area.

All kinds of religious buildings or graveyards are off-limits. But simply temporarily putting a Madonna figure in your office is not enough to turn it into an off-limits area. (If you have serious (!) religious or ethical concerns concerning the "on-limits" status of certain areas, then please contact the GMs.)

Any private motorized vehicle with a running engine is off-limits. Any kind of public transportation, including bus or metro stations, is off-limits at all times (even when the bus will only depart in 5 minutes). People riding bikes or on inline-skates are off-limits. Generally, use common sense and go for the safest option (= no attack). (People handling acids, carrying babies, operating heavy machinery, …)

Punchline: Any official meetings, any restaurants and all kinds of transportation are off-limits, and may not be attacked or be used to attack from.


Being Armed

Whenever you carry a weapon with you, you are "armed". Of course, your weapon will most likely not be visible to other players. When you are armed, you are a legitimate target for other players (who can kill you in an act of pre-emptive attack). However, these players then have to point out (after they killed you) which weapon you were carrying, except if they accidentally killed you by a bomb. It's your responsibility, as an armed victim, to be honest about this, especially when you're accidentally killed by a bomb (where you still count as "armed", even if the killer didn't know this and wanted to hit somebody else). Never ever kill other people, who you merely believe to be players, in the hope that they'll be carrying some weapon. You can only assume that they are armed, when you know that they are armed (as, e.g., you saw them kill somebody 1 minute ago). The advantage of killing other armed players is that they will not be able to kill you later (not even accidentally).

Punchline: If you carry a weapon and others know this, then you're armed and become a legitimate target.



There will be a prize of some kind (possibly a book/course about leading a non-violent life) for the overall winner (= most points at the end of the game) as well as for certain categories, such as for the most creative kill.



You can join the game as long as

(i) you have enough common sense (so that you know, even without reading the rules, that e.g. attacking people on bikes is not allowed)

(ii) you don't suffer from more than the usual paranoia (if you always think that "they" are after you, you probably should not play)

(iii) you have an office on the EPFL/UNIL campus (but this can be an office for a dozen people)

(iv) you're at least 18 years old (but congratulations, if you already have an office at the age of 16/17)


Allocation of Assignments

The allocation of targets to assassins is uniformly at random among all allocations satisfying the following constraints:

1. No assassin is her own target.

2. There is no assassin-target and target-assassin reverse assignment (so if you have to kill X, X will *not* have to kill you)

3. Each assassin has the same number of targets, and each target is given to the same number of assassins (so each person hunts five victims, and is hunted by five assassins)


Time Frame

The registration deadline is Tuesday, October 7, 11h59 - REGISTRATION CLOSED!

The hit lists will be send out by email on Saturday, October 11. If you have not received any assignments by Sunday 00h01, then please check your spam filter and let us know. - ASSIGNMENTS SENT!

The killing time is from Monday, October 13, 12h00 (= noon) to Friday, October 17, 12h00 (= noon). THE HUNT IS ON!

You may plant bombs, poison, get ready to shoot *before* the beginning of the killing time, but no kill will be counted before 12h00 on Monday and any attack before this time might incur penalty points.



To register, send an email to before/on Tuesday, October 7, 11h59 mentioning the following information:

0. Your email address. If you want to be contacted at an email address different from the one you used to send the registration message, please include this address.

1. A pseudonym. All information posted online will, for the duration of the game, be for pseudonyms only. Of course, you can use your real name, as most people will simply assume that nobody would be so silly as to use their real name.

2. Your real name. Your real name (and not your pseudonym) will be given to your assassins. This way, they do not know if they are trying to kill the current leader of the score board, or somebody who gets killed 10 times per day.

3. A recent and recognizable picture. You should not be wearing a mask or an unusual hair style on the picture. This picture will be given to your five personal assassins so that they can identify you. Please make sure that (a) the file size does not exceed 500kB and that (b) the file format is .jpg/.jpeg. Do not send us a 2MB file and do not send us .tiff/.bmp or other formats.

4. If you happen to have a twin sister/brother on campus, then let the GMs know. This information will be used to resolve disputes, which could occur due to this circumstance, but it will not be given to your assassins.

5. A list of two places where you can be found for at least two hours every day (per place). One of the two places must be on the EPFL/UNIL campus, excluding off-limits areas (such as restaurants, lectures etc.). Most likely, this will be your office. The other place must be off the EPFL/UNIL campus, but within a 10km radius of EPFL/UNIL, excluding off-limits areas (such as restaurants, churches etc.). Most likely, this will be the place you live. Please specify the floor of your appartment. You are required to spend at least 2 hours every day at both of these places for the duration of the game (though only 1 hour at each place for the first and the last day). But you can freely choose the hours and could, e.g., work during night at EPFL and sleeping during the day at home. Do *not* join the game if you plan to hide at your partner's place all the time. If you live more than 10km from EPFL/UNIL then your home would be too safe, as it would be too difficult for other players to get to.

6. Ideally, a mobile phone number. This will be used to e.g. inform you when one of your victims resigns from the game or it might be used to contact you to resolve a dispute e.g. surrounding a bomb explosion.

7. Anything else that you believe your assassin should know, including possibly relevant allergies (... maybe somebody plans to poison you with peanuts) or safety relevant details about your office (... if it is full of chemicals). Feel free to use this field for any short (!) personal message to your assassins.

8. Name and contact details (email is enough) of your accomplice, if you want to use one. You may only use a single accomplice and may not recruit a replacement, when she has died.

You might also want to subscribe to our RSS feed.


Weapons List

A list of standard weapons can be found here (requires as GASPAR account). Only weapons considered "A" or (with care) "B" on that list may be used. The list is by no means exhaustive and you can ask the GMs to authorize other weapons (which will not be made public to protect your intellectual property for the duration of the game). Please have a look at the weapon classes listed below, to have a better understanding about how weapons work. In case of any disagreement between the document linked above and the rules on this page, the rules on this page always have higher precedence. Generally, never ever use any kind of weapon that could be mistaken for a real weapon or that could actually hurt anybody. Also be aware that weapons should be designated weapons. So don't pick up random things in an act of self-defense or turn the pillow you sit on one second into a deadly grenade the next second.

Class: Banana Guns

Anything that has a vaguely L-like shape can be used as a gun as long as it is clearly marked with the word “GUN” in font size 30 or larger in a visible location and as long as it could not be mistaken for a real gun. Bananas are good examples (though you’ll have to write on them). Oranges do not fall into this category. No projectile is launched from any such weapon. As these weapons can be completely unlike any weapon, the marking is required to give the victim a chance to realize it’s actually a weapon. It is also required to avoid that anybody picks up arbitrary objects in an act of self-defense to use them as a weapon. Note that it is part of the assassins honor that such weapons should be removed from any clothing etc. so that they could be seen by the victim (and others), even if only for a split second. The range of such weapons is a mere 1 meter and they don’t work through windows, computer screens, another person, doors, piles of books etc.,  but they will penetrate victim’s cloths of any kind (including metal implants), a single book, single tray tables and the like. In a clearly audible voice you just say something like “bang/peng”, “puff”, “boom”, “zonk”, “gotcha”, “die”, “boing”, “haha”, “bye, bye”, “Hasta la vista, baby!” or “Peter Piper picked a pack of pickled peppers.”. You get 5 extra points for the last option, as long as it is (i) correctly uttered and (ii) the victim is still within range when you’ve finished. Extra points might also be awarded for the most creative/ridiculous “gotcha” notification.

Punchline: A "banana gun" is a conceptual gun, that does not actually fire anything. It needs to be marked as "GUN" and has a range of 1 meter.

Class: Projectiles

Anything that actually “fires” a projectile of any kind (stream of water, rubber band, soft-tipped darts, ...) or that is a projectile itself (aerobees, water bombs, pillows, confetti grenades, ...) falls in this category. A hit occurs when the projectile makes contact with any part of the victim or her clothing. Shots bouncing off walls or ceilings are explicitly allowed and count as kills. As for all the other weapons, there is no being wounded. Projectile weapons do not need to be marked in any way, so you’re invited to conceal the fact that they actually project anything at all. Note that any such weapon needs to have been “designed” by you for this purpose. So picking up a role of toilet paper to launch it as a grenade in an act of self-defense will not work. But if you carry a role of toilet paper with you (for this purpose!), then you’re safe. Blowguns may be used as long as (i) the projectile does not hurt the person and (ii) the projectile is reasonably sterile (... don't use spit balls ...). Never ever aim for the head of a person with any kind of projectile weapon! Please also do not use super soakers inside any building. Likewise, if you use confetti bombs, be aware that somebody will have to clean up afterwards, so don’t use them in any environment, where this would be non-trivial. Also, be aware that a weapon needs to be a designated weapon. So don't sit comfortably on a pillow one second, just to launch it as an intruder the next.

Punchline: A "projectile" is any type of weapon that either fires or is a projectile itself. It does not need to be marked, but it needs to make physical contact with the victim.


Class: Bombs

The defining characteristic of a bomb is a trigger mechanism. So you can’t expect that a random box labeled as “bomb” will have a abuilt-in camera with a face detection mechanism to make sure, it only triggers when the right person is near. You will have to design the triggering mechanism. A mobile phone is a good trigger (but you can only use the same mobile phone once as a trigger!). Mechanic triggers linked to moving doors are also classics. If you want your bomb to be linked to the ignition of a car, at least something should happen, when the car starts moving (even if this is only noticed later). But, by all means, never ever mess with the electronics of a car, of light switches and the like. If you’re unsure about the physical consequences of your action, go for a different method of killing. Bombs must have a note with a statement along the lines “This bomb was kindly provided by X” (where X is your pseudonym). This makes it easier to keep track of valid assassinations, as the victim will be able to report the identity of her killer. Things like water bombs or confetti bombs fall into the class of projectiles, as they make physical contact with the victim. A bomb will have an explosion radius depending on its actual size. The following are rough guidelines. A mobile-phone sized bomb will be enough to take out a person within 2 meters (= if placed centered, anybody within a normal office), and will not incur any serious structural damage to a building. So there’s no kill across walls or any kind of non-glass door. Such as bomb will however work through windows and glass doors, but this limits its radius to 1 meter. You can expect a box of about shoe-box size to wipe out any intelligent (?) life within a radius of 5 meters (= if placed centered, anybody within a normal seminar room) and to tear a decent hole in any wall and also kill somebody within 1 meters on the other side. Such a bomb will easily penetrate windows or glass doors while still taking out victims within 3 meters on the other side. Similarly, a couple of stuffed backpacks with some kind of trigger are enough to take out anybody in an office above, below and adjacent at the same time. And so on. These are rough guides but you could never claim that a literal letter bomb (a single envelope, with a single piece of paper) is enough to kill somebody. Either put in something heavy, go for a package or go for some kind of contact poison inside the envelope. Needless to say that nothing that sets of any kind of actual explosion, no matter how small, may ever be used as a bomb. If you do use a "big" bomb to kill somebody in an adjacent room, be sure to report the exact time and check for innocent victims. To defuse a bomb, you just have to deactivate its triggering mechanism (turn off the mobile phone, cut any relevant string etc.). In this case, you can use the bomb and the trigger yourself later. If defusing seems too dangerous, you may also inform the GMs *before* touching the bomb (including location, time and some details about the bomb), and the bomb is then considered to have been instantly defused by a professional bomb squad, in which case you can no longer use it.

Punchline: A bomb needs a working trigger mechanism. Its explosion radius depends on its size, and to defuse it you just have to deactivate the trigger mechanism.


Class: Poison

Poison usually has to get in direct contact with the victim. For example, double-sided tape, marked as “POISON”, on a door handle is a classical contact poison. A post-it note saying “POISON” and left under any plate or glass is a standard food poison. You could also try to use aerosol poisons and e.g. fill a balloon with deodorant and then have the gas released in the vicinity of the victim. But be aware that you should not get in touch with the poison yourself while handling in. So wear gloves for contact poison and avoid dispersing any aerosol to the air. All poisons, just as all other weapons, kill instantly. Concerning food poison, remember that all restaurants on and off campus are off-limits at all times. Vending machines or food consumed outside the restaurant area are ok for poisoning though.

Punchline: Anything marked as "POISON" is poisonous.


Class: Camera Rifle

If you manage to take a picture of a victim with (i) the victim in the centre of the image and (ii) the victim recognizable (not necessarily by her face, but maybe by her cloths), then showing the picture to the GMs (and/or the victim) constitutes a legitimate kill. Note that the moment of death happens at the time when the picture was taken. So “shooting back” is of little point (… though you can still try, in case the other person missed while trying to shoot you with the camera). Please be honest though when it comes to victims among bystanders. If you accidentally take pictures of other people, then you just killed them. Mobile phones can also be used as camera rifles though, due the higher range, you probably want to use a camera with a good zoom. You may also not use your "rifle" as an ordinary camera, as a mobile phone or as a bomb trigger for the duration of the game. Any kind of camera used as a rifle must be labeled as “RIFLE” (font size 30 or larger) and you may not remove this label for the duration of the game. This is to avoid mistaking innocent bystanders holding a camera as armed assassins.

Punchline: Any kind of camera marked as "RIFLE" is a rifle, and may not be used for other purposes for the duration of the game.


Class: Close Combat

Anything which is completely unlike a real knife, maybe clearly labeled as “KNIFE” (font size 30 or larger) and used as such. Any contact with the victims body (possibly covered by cloths) counts as a kill. Similarly, putting two hands on your victim’s shoulders counts as strangling, and the victim has no chance to fight back (even if the assassin is only 1.50m tall and the victim is 2.00m and a professional boxer). You can also use anything long and soft as a club by labeling it as “CLUB” (font size 30 or larger). Any hit on the body or head counts as a kill, as long as there was at least a tiny bit of “swinging motion” involved. You can’t poke somebody to death with a rubber baseball bat. Use a knife for that or label the rubber baseball bat as "SWORD".

Punchline: Anything completely unlike a knife, may be labeled and used as a knife. Strangling, as all other other methods of killing, is instant.


Class: Other Weapons

There are probably other possible classes of weapons. If you want to use such weapons, please check with the GMs before. They will probably be allowed as long as (i) they are safe, (ii) they are at least mildly realistic, and (iii) they either use projectiles of some sort or are otherwise clearly marked as a weapon.

Punchline: Get any obscure weapon authorized by the GMs, who will *not* reveal any details before the end of the game, if the weapon is indeed authorized.



You score points for correct assassinations and you score bonus points for various things. You lose points for killing bystanders, not respecting the rules or for any kind of dangerous behavior. You should not go around randomly killing others, even if they might be playing as well. The detailed points are as follows.


Points for Legitimate kills

Each correct assassination                                                             25 points

Comment: An assassin kills her victim, who can be armed or not armed, in an "on-limits" area.

Killing any assassin in self-defense                                                15 points

Comment: Most likely this will be one’s own assassin, but this also counts for other assassins.

Killing one’s own assassin when she is armed                                  15 points

Comment: Most likely this happens when she’s about to kill another victim. Note that your assassin can then not kill you later.

Killing an armed assassin who’s not one’s own assassin                 0 points

Comment: Note that you must know how the person is armed. You don't get points, but that person still gets minus points for being killed and you find out her identity.

Killing an accomplice of a victim (or one’s own assassin)                5 points

Comment: Accidental kills by bombs or poison etc. count for this.

Punchline: Your targets or any armed (!) assassin are legitimate targets.


Bonus points during game

Being the first one to assassinate anybody                                      15 points

Comment: This is a one-time bonus for the first correct kill of the game.

Being the first to kill an assigned target                                             5 points

Comment: Each target is also hunted by four other assassins. You get a bonus for killing the target first.

Assassinating somebody off campus                                                15 points

Comment: Don't let your victim feel safe at home...

Great bravery/patience/treachery                                                    10 points

Comment: Please report details by email to the GMs to “apply” for these points.

Ingenious device used to kill an assigned target                               10 points

Comment: Please report details by email to the GMs to “apply” for these points.

No witness/bystander around (apart from victim and killer)             5 points

Comment: Non-players count as witnesses. The witness concerns the identity of the killer, not the act itself (such as a bomb explosion). So nobody should have seen you planting a bomb. More general, the relevant question to ask yourself is: "Could somebody report useful information to the police, regarding my identity?". Be honest when considering witnesses for camera rifle kills and only "shoot" when nobody is next to you.

Dying in a very realistic or artistic fashion                                          5 points

Comment: When a bomb explodes, try to throw yourself against a wall (without injuring yourself) and so on. Maybe have some "famous last words" ready.

Punchline: Be active, kill in a clever way, die with honor.


Bonus points at the end of the game

Being the first player to kill all five assigned targets                        30 points

Comment: Only the *assigned* targets count for this. No accomplices or self-defense kills etc.

Being the second player to kill all five assigned targets                    15 points

Comment: Only the *assigned* targets count for this. No accomplices or self-defense kills etc.

Not being assassinated at all at the end, though being active            30 points

Comment: Only kills by one's own assassins are looked at for this. "Accidentally" being killed does not affect this bonus. These points will not be awarded if you are just hiding for the whole game.

Being assassinated at most once, though being active                       15 points

Comment: Only kills by one's own assassins are looked at for this. "Accidentally" being killed does not affect this bonus. These points will not be awarded if you are just hiding for the whole game.

Punchline: Be active, but don't get killed.


Penalty points at end of the game

Being the first player to be assassinated five times                           -20 points

Comment: Only kills by one's own assassins are looked at for this. "Accidentally" being killed does not affect this penalty.

Being the second player to be assassinated five times                       -10 points

Comment: Only kills by one's own assassins are looked at for this. "Accidentally" being killed does not affect this penalty.

Punchline: Don't get killed.


Being legitimately killed

Being correctly assassinated                                                                -5 points

Comment: Your assassin kills you in an "on-limits" zone.

Being killed when armed                                                                       -5 points

Comment: Most probably, this happens in self-defense or when you're trying to kill somebody else. This could also happen accidentally when a bomb goes off. When you're not armed, you're not a legitimate target and the killer gets punished.

Per death of accomplice                                                                       -5 points

Comment: *Any* kind of death, including accidental deaths (but excluding anything in off-limits) counts for this. So your accomplices are very vulnerable!

Punchline: Don't get killed and don't get your accomplice killed.

Penalty points for incorrect behavior

Poor sportsmanship                                                                              -10 points (or worse)

Comment: For example, not immediately admitting to having been killed, complain about rules, …

Dangerous behavior                                                                             -20 points (or worse)

Comment: Safety always has the highest priority.

Accidentally killing an unarmed non-target player or a non-player  -10 points (per victim)

Comment: Be careful where you plant that bomb and how to use that confetti bomb. Bomb kills of non-target players will generally be counted as accidental kills. Note that killing one of your own assassins when she's not armed also falls into this category.

Deliberately attacking an unarmed non-target player                        -20 points (per victim)

Comment: Do not attack any non-target player, unless you are *sure* she is armed.

Deliberately killing/attacking a non-player                                        -30 points (per victim)

Comment: This probably happens when you believe a non-player to be an armed assassin (or even an assigned target). Stick to your assigned targets to be safe.

Attacking from/to off-limits area                                                        -40 points (per incident and no kill is counted)

Comment: If you're not sure about the exact extend of an off-limits zone, then either ask the GMs or just play it safe.

Punchline: Don't attack non-target players or anybody who's not armed. Certainly don't attack non-players. And always respect the off-limits areas.


Generally, it is forbidden to deliberately kill anybody a second time (you maniac!), and this will count as an attack on a non-player. Accidental kills due to bombs or other side effects do not incur any penalty, as long as the first kill did not incur any. Otherwise, they incur the same penalty again.



Current Ranking

The current score table can be found here. It is updated about once per day. For micro updates please subscribe to our RSS feed or watch the Twitter page.


Not Our Fault

Safety always has the highest priority during the game. Never ever use a weapon that could cause an injury or attack people in any situation where a sudden, unexpected reaction by you or your victim could cause injury. The organizers will punish or disqualify any player who puts herself/himself or another player in a dangerous situation. Still, things can always go wrong and by registering for the game you accept that the organizers of the game cannot be held responsible for any damage or injury that you might suffer, either due to your own actions or the actions of another player.

Punchline: Play safe and don't blame us for the behavior of the players.




Here, we'll post questions and answers that come up before or during the game. So please check this section once in a while.


Question: Can't I just walk into my victim's office and say "bang"?

Answer: Well, almost. If you're carrying some kind of weapon (e.g. a banana gun), then yes, this will work as long as you're very close (<= 1 meter) and have a clean shot (not through tables, monitors, ...). However, if the victim shoots you at the same time in self-defense then you're also dead. But, yes, you should be fairly paranoid as a good assassin. Also note that such as standard kill does not exactly qualify for bonus points (no witnesses, stealth, ingenuity, bravery, ...).


Question: Can I kill somebody by email, via Facebook and so on?

Answer: No. However, if you manage to get physical access to your victim's machine and manage to install some kind of trigger mechanism (e.g. some pop-up when the victim is typing) to set off a bomb (which should be "connected" to the computer), then that's a working bomb.


Question: Can I just roll an apple into someone's office as a bomb?

Answer: If it doesn't have a trigger mechanism, it will not work as a bomb. E.g. the "time window" might be ill-defined and your victim could roll the "bomb" back to you ... which would then lead to debates. A bomb needs a trigger. But if you, e.g., throw a pillow, which is marked as "grenade" and which you don't use as a pillow for the rest of the week, and if it makes physical contact (!) with your victim, then that would count as a grenade (see projectiles for details). Or get some kind of alarm clock and set it to an interval of 2 seconds before rolling it (... and getting out of range yourself!).


Question: Can we use a laser pointer as a long range rifle?

Answer: No, but very good question. The reason is that the instant of the "shot" is very ill-defined. Is it a machine gun that fires all the time while the light is on? Even then, if the victim sees the red dot next to her, she could still escape. But if you "hit" her while she's moving away to escape, it would be very difficult to verify any claim. (Or what if she just closes her eyes the second she sees the dot next to her?) It could also happen that the victim honestly does not notice (... I can tell you from my own experience of playing with laser pointers that some people really don't notice these things ...). So, although in spirit it is similar to a camera rifle, it is much more difficult to somehow check in practice. [If the answer to this question had been "Yes.", then I would not have posted the question here, to give the person the advantage of coming up with this idea first.]


Question: Can I label a shoebox/suitcase as "ingenious defensive device" and expect it to kill any intruders (or even only intruders with bad intentions)?

Answer: No, even though some scenarios (trained dogs etc.) are reasonably plausible. If you want some kind of device to kill intruders, you're probably better of hooking up something to the mechanims of the door itself.


Question: If I get killed by A, can I still kill B one second later?

Answer: Yes! You'll probably not get bonus points for the best "dying scene", but this is perfectly ok. When you die, you're only dead from A's point of you.

