Accreditation CAV
PhD student
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 As a PhD student, you need:

To be accredited to carry out animal experiments.

  • To obtain this accreditation, you have to follow 20 hours theory and 20 hours of practical training in laboratory animal science:

1. The theoretical course consists of 5 times 4 hours in the mornings of January, June or September of each year, and is given by the Lemanic Animal Facility Network (RESAL). Please go to the following address for the on-line registration: There you will be informed about dates, price and deadlines. PLEASE TICK THE THEORY BOX ONLY.The next course is from June 8th to 12th, 2009 and is in French.

2. The 20 hours of practical training is given once or twice a year at the EPFL. To follow this training you will need to register to the NE-09 course (one credit) at the Doctoral School, by contacting: The course is free of charge.
and last 2.5 days (usually on Tuesday, Friday and the next Tuesday afternoon). The official language is English. The next course will take place on February 3 and 6, mornings and afternoons, and February 10th, afternoon only.

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