Future Directions and Conclusion

Finally we managed to create a circuit that produces music depending on light intensity and can be further adapted to depend on arsenic concentration.

We had multiple problems which prevented us from achieving all of what we had planned. But we finally solved them and we finished with two fonctional prototypes: a Music Box, with a piezo speaker, and another one with two arduinos and a music shield, which produces real music.

The future directions of this part of the project would be:

Depending on the country, there is not the same concentration allowed (i.e 10 µg/L for Switzerland, 50 µg/L for India). Creating a script to adapt the code depending on the country where it is tested (or other factors that fluctuate with the environment) would make the prototype more accurate.

Performing a statistical analysis on the collected data would also improve the accuracy of the measurement.

To make the prototype even more hand-held and accessible, we wondered if it would be possible to get rid off the computer (needed for arduino) by replacing it by a smartphone or an adapter that would supply power.

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