Week 01 2018

Week 1: Cultural Data Sculpting

Sarah Kenderdine
Nikolaus Voelzow


  1. 8am - 9am: Introduction to Cultural Data Sculpting
  2. 9am - 9.15am Introduction to eM+
  3. 9.15am -11am Ways of Seeing in CH visualization
  4. 11am - 11.15am: Course Structure
  5. 11.15am - 11.30am: Assignments & Assignment #1
  6. 11.30 - 11.45am: Readings (book of PDFs + eM+ Library)
  7. 12pm - 12.30pm: Introductions and aspirations
  8. 12.30pm - 1pm: Introduction to Unity Tutorials

Assignment #1
Research the history of media devices from the 19th Century or earlier. Select an example, describe it and find analogies with its modern-day equivalent.
1-page due Week 3, with in-class presentation (10%)

Readings (PDF or printed)

eM+ Library books
