Week 3 2019


Week 3: Digital Archives, Exhibitions & Evaluation

Note: Lecture/Tutorial at EPFL campus starting at MetaMedia Centre at 8am. 

Sarah Kenderdine
Alain Dufaux, EPFL's MetaMedia Lab


  1. 8.00am-9.30am Tour of EPFL’s MetaMedia Lab by Alain Dufaux, followed by trip to MJ Café installations (8am)
  2. 9.30am-10.30am Tour of Thinking Machines: Ramon Llull and the ars combintatoria, ArtLab (see Assignment 2)
  3. 10.30am - 11.30am Understanding evaluation through iShoU
  4. 11.30am-12.30pm Selecting archives and forming of project teams (lecture at ArtLab).
  5. 12.30pm-1pm Review of exhibition / images for Assignment 2.

Assignment # 2: a critical evaluation of Thinking Machines. What are its media strategies, and how do these artworks function in relation to the curatorial mandate? Choose one installation to review that you think best articulates 'computational thinking' (include images). Due for presentation in-class 19 March (Week 5). Written PDF (min. two pages + images) submitted for marking. Worth 10% of total marks.

Each student will be given a copy of the brochure for Thinking Machines (PDF) and a free copy of the publication: Vega, A. Zeilinski, S & Weibel, P. (2019), DIA-LOGOS Ramon Llull's Method of Thought and Artistic Practice, Minnesota Press.