Percentage of future glaciers surface loss


  • Indicator

[hectares/hectares tourims region]

  • Range
  • Control for

DEMAND: Changes in tourists flow (-)

  • Influence on vulnerability
Glaciers melting will impact tourism in different ways. One of them is the change of alpine landscape because of glaciers retreat and consequent change in scenic beauty. The higher the percentage of future glaciers surface loss the higher the regional exposure. This because glaciers play an important role in defining landscape beauty and attractiveness (by creating diversity; uniqueness, and naturalness) (Haeberli 2007).
  • Trend
Linear ↑
  • Data source
Personal calculation, starting from Paul et al. (2007); Paul (2006), and from Paul (personal communication) using the GLIMS glacier database and a DHM25. The methodology has been simplified.
  • Remarks

We use a non-varying ELA0 sensitivity of 140 m per 1°C. This means a shift upwards of the ELA0 of 350 m in comparison of 1990 (average annual temperature increase of 2.1°C by 2050 with the IPCC SRES A1 scenario).

In some cases - however, and at a first moment at least - glaciers melting could attract tourists, (‘visit it before it disappears’).

  • Image


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