Percentage of the region located over the future snow reliability line


  • Indicator

[hectares/hectares tourism region]

  • Range
  • Control for

DEMAND: Changes in tourists flow (+)

SUPPLY: Changes in monetary and employment flows (+)

  • Influence on vulnerability
Because of the higher level of precipitations and the relatively cold temperatures, high altitude locations will enjoy more snowfall in the near future (Agrawala 2007; Beniston 2009). Because of the potential of good snow cover and because of the relative good situation in comparison to lower Alpine regions, these areas will benefit from the situation at a 2050 time horizon (Agrawala 2007). The higher the score, the lower the exposure.
  • Trend
Linear ↓
  • Data source
Personal calculation referring to Haeberli and Beniston (1998), Frei (2004), Agrawala (2007), OcCC/Proclim (2007) and using a DHM25.
  • Remarks

Regions considered are located over 1470 m AMSL in the North and over 1770 m in the South of the Alps

  • Image


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