Getting Started

EPFL credentials 

- On the first day, you will receive an email with your Gaspar account , which serves as your EPFL account. After having the initial password, you need to change it on the officail Gaspar website.

- This EPFL password is your only password (i.e., also email, wifi, VPN, EPFL gitlab etc.), see User account and gaspar password

- Configuring your laptops/smartphones to have access to your emails see here.

- @Fides: group mailing list

- Internet: your email address is also the username to EPFL wifi (network name: epfl) and eduroam, see here.

- VPN services: the instruction to download Cisco Sevre Client and use your EPFL email address to log in. Note that you need an authentication app on your phone (the app provides a time-based one-time password).

EPFL identity card (Camipro card)

- Typically, without (online) safety trainings, you cannot have the real card yet. If you did not receive a document with instructions of how to do such trainings, see the information of safety training couses. 

- Upon completion of the safety training, contact the CAMIPRO Card Office, see How to get my CAMIPRO card?

- If needed, you can have a guest card before having the real one. 


- on your phone: download the EPFL app

- What you can do: search for people, look for a map etc.

Camipro card in the app: you can reload/send/request money with it. QR payment also availiable. 

Printing services

- see myPrint Service. As I have tested, you can also wipe your temporay/guest card on the printer.


- We use Slack for semi-professional communications. You will be invited via the EPFL email.

- If you want to keep the workspace of your previous email, see How to add multiple accounts on slack 

Room reservations

- SV Rooms lists room equipments and how to book them 

Facility reservations/booking 

- For research core facilities: Booking and Billing System

SV IT support 

- help desk contacts (email, form and address)

- Buying IT equipments (from cables to laptops) see IT purchase

- @Fides: LIMS (Laboratory Information Management System) and ELN (Electronic Laboratory Notebook) support see here

Gitlab (at EPFL)

- Internally EPFL uses Gitlab ( You can login with your EPFL credentials.

- Authentication: EPFL supports HTTP Basic Authentication (not SSH keys). Setting up the personal access token in GitLab sees here. PS: you will get an email every time you add a token.

- help and EPFL version of git tutorial 

Getting software