HEP Score Sheets
HEP Score Sheets
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HEP Score Sheets resource

You may find a few examples of score sheets that you can adapt to your purposes. It is important to tailor it to your animal models and that the endpoints that you select are good predictors of imminent death or of a major negative impact on health and welfare of the animal.

Body Condition Score (Lab Animal Science 49/3, 319-323, 1999; version française)

General Distress Scoring Sheet (see Practical use of distress scoring systems in the application of humane endpoints by M.H.Lloyd & S.E.Wolfensohn at http://www.lal.org.uk/publications/this-is-a-test-subject/humane-endpoints/, go bottom of page; version française)

HEP in cancer research, Clinical signs needing immediate intervention (Workmann et al. 2010), example of colon tumor and a template (version française), UK score sheet for cancer research

Welfare Assessment Sheet for Neonatal Mice and Rats (version française)

Post-op Animal Health Score Sheet (version française)

Arthritis Score Sheet OVF

Protocol for Collagen induced arthritis model

Arthritis Model, an examples of score sheet from University of Florida

HEP microbial challenge tests (version française)

Illness Behaviour Score for mice and rats monitoring illness and abdominal pain (LPS-induced and otherwise)

Some resources

Any suggestion, comment or modification are welcome, please contact marcel.gyger(@)epfl.ch

