CEMI's PATSTAT Knowledge Base
About country codes
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PATSTAT uses a two letter code for codifying any field reporting to a country
(For instance, columns ctry_code from table tls206_person and appln_auth from table tls201_appln)

This codification follows more or less the ISO classification but there some specifities, regarding code changing or Patent Office's coding (such as EPO, WIPO, etc). To know more about this matter please check:

 At CEMI we built in CEMIPAT two complementary tables to PATSTAT original database:

  1. A table matching the two letter codes to the full country name (Text file, 4Kb)
    (based on WIPO's document)
  2. A table matching the two letter codes to the full country name and
    the countries geographic coordinates (Text file, 8Kb)
    (based on WIPO's document and CIA World Factbook, 15 May, 2007) 




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