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Starting Command

Besides the launch of the program from your start menu in the Window environment you can also type the name of your startup script at the command line. A convenient way to start in the right folder is the creation of a shortcut. Right click to change the properties; under 'Start in' enter your working folder.

Available Licenses

There are 500 floating licenses for Pro/ENGINEER and Pro/MECHANICA on the license server. The command 'ptcstatus' (type at the command line) shows which licenses are active, how many of them are in use and whether it is possible to connect to the license server from your workstation.


The contents and the use of the configuration files (display options, search paths to libraries and forms, ISO/ANSI/JSPE/DIN standards etc.) is a complex issue, which clearly beyond the scope of this little installation manual. Nevertheless the following hints may be helpful in the beginning.

•The most important configuration file is '' which is usually located in {proe_installation_path}\text.

•The file '' can be edited with a text editor or with Pro/ENGINEER (Menu 'Tools' -> 'Options', don't forget to select 'apply' and 'save' if you want to keep your modifications). A '' that contains incorrect variables or spelling mistakes may cause Pro/ENGINEER to hang, for beginners it is therefore recommended to use the Pro/ENGINEER dialog for configuration.

•There is a good overview on the variables used in the '' in the 'PRO/ENGINEER 2001 TOPIC COLLECTIONS'. You can access the english and french version directly here. The list is constantly evolving with new versions of Pro/ENGINEER, unfortunately the documentation does often not keep track of it.

•Any variable in the '' can be overridden by variables set in a file 'config.sup', no matter whether 'config.sup' is read before or after ''.

•As Pro/ENGINEER looks for the '' in different folders it is a good idea to keep only one copy of '', which should be in the {proe_installation_path}\text.

•Several variables in the '' contain the access paths to other configuration files, such as for drafting or search paths for libraries.
