Installation WildFire 4
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ProE and ProM Wildfire 4

1) Installation

Using File Manager connect to I:\src\M130\CD1 and launch the setup.exe program.

Click on Suivant

On the next screen, check J'accepte then click Suivant

On this screen, click on Pro/ENGINEER & Pro/ENGINEER Mechanica title.

YOU MUST CHANGE your dossier cible to C:\proeWildfire 4.0
and select the functions you want to install (Mechanica is not selected by default).

For the license server FLEXnet, add a "Serveur de licences unique" with :

Nom d'hôte: stilic1              Port : 7788

On this screen DESELECT ALL OPTIONS in "Emplacement des raccourcis".

During the installation you will be asked to feed the next CD (CD2, CD3, CD4)

When the installatation is completed, you must copy 2 files from I: to your PC :

  1. I:\batch\Start ProEngineer WildFire 4      to your Desktop
  2. I:\batch\start-wildfire4.bat                       to the folder C:\proeWildfire 4.0


2) Configuration

You must launch Pro Engineer Wildfire 4 from the shortcut on your desktop, like this you will have always the right configuration.
